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Pat9010033.jpg MF4 & Kona pic by Windwoman269 viewsA little less embarrasing than MTMs!3 commentsmore force 400000
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DSC00301.JPG MF4 - This one is good too!340 views1 commentsmortontoemike00000
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IMG_2740.JPG 288 views1 commentsmore force 400000
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DSC00302.JPG MF4 in the buff!283 views2 commentsmortontoemike00000
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P8030315.JPG Jeff looping344 viewsBack in the days when there was enough wind for windsurfing. Wired expression session 2003rvanderbyl00000
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P8030316.JPG Loop landing297 viewsNice boots Jeffrvanderbyl00000
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Our_summer.gif This pretty much sums up our summer!327 views3 commentswinddoctor00000
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P8060005.JPG The living room351 viewsThe fire never went out in our camp.asscrack00000
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P8060001.JPG My spot251 viewsYes.asscrack00000
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P8060002.JPG The creative children of the lake.250 viewsBeautifull morning,classic Nat.Inspired by the creativity of our youth.asscrack00000
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P8060004.JPG Happy Happy Happy290 viewsTo be at Nitinaht,Friends,warm fires,warm wind,and fresh baked chocolate cake.Thanks everyone.asscrack00000
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DSC00237.JPG The picture says it all!320 viewsULR's family? 1 commentsmortontoemike00000
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IMG_0645_1.JPG Nitnat Hot Tub1279 viewsWhat do you get when you mix rainy weather, bored windsurfers and bored kiteboards with time on their hands at Nitinat? A HOT TUB! That's right, a feat of scientific genius created an actual HOT tub (too hot at times) on the beach at Nitinat - they had a pump pumping water out of the tub into 70 feet of coiled copper coil that was in the fire with water heating up through the coil they routing back into the tub! The pump was run by a generator and the tub was made by digging out sand in the middle (to act as a bench for the feet) and cutting logs up to place around with a tarp in the centre - voila! Sure felt good after a long day sailing..........
8 commentsGareth00000
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Cook_st_reefs_good_not_a_kelp_bed.jpg This is not a kelp bed472 viewsAerial photograph of Cook Street and its Board/Fin/Sail/Kite eating reefs.

Zoom in and click '2005 Colour Orthophoto'
1 commentsBigD44444
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Cook_st_reefs_good.jpg Cook Street Reefs270 viewsAerial photograph of Cook Street and its Board/Fin/Sail/Kite eating reefs.

Zoom in and click '2005 Colour Orthophoto'
1 commentsBigD00000
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pic1.jpg Biscarrosse Plage, West Coast, France202 viewsSailing thermals into the late evening.UKshredder00000
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pic2kiter@hyere.jpg Hyeres, South Coast, France197 viewsNuking 3.0 conditions....nice little sand bar working too !2 commentsUKshredder00000
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pic3gybe_at_bisc1.jpg Biscarrosse, West Coast France157 viewsMay O7, Surf/Windsurf TripUKshredder00000
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pic4bottom_turn1.jpg Bsicarrosse, West Coast France202 views1 commentsUKshredder00000
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pic5surfersatsunset.jpg Biscarrosse Plage, West Coast France165 viewsUKshredder00000
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pic6hyereMay07.jpg Hyere, South of France196 views2 commentsUKshredder00000
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BWDkayak.jpg Big Wave Dave is ubiquitous!209 viewsA friend took this image from somewhere near Boston Bar (I think)Joe00000
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Pipers_Sept_2006.jpg Generic Pipers Photo for Wiki245 viewsI need a better photo showing the conditions at Piper's Lagoon, but I'll use this one as a placemark for now~~~~~4j~~55555
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P7050008.JPG Loopin Dunkinguy528 viewsPic by R Vanderbyl3 commentsrvanderbyl44444
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2352 files on 98 page(s) 89