Gonna Give It a Go, Dood316 viewsMark with flat 3-8 'jumpstarted' during a 'lull' fully sheeted out, only to be absolutely flattened by a hail squall 30 seconds later - good on ya dood, yahoo!! Mill Bay, 45-55 knots, March 8 2006; wish I had a picture of the hail that turned out :(KUS (0 votes)
Beauty Waves271 viewsHate that learning curve, it's a bit too steep ;) Waves were even better further out but alas, my camera has limitsKUS (0 votes)
Cowichan Bay, Feb 1st 2006339 views3 commentsKUS (1 votes)
Willows January 31st/06426 viewsEasily blown off the water with a 3.5 : (2 commentsKUS (4 votes)
Art in front, Kus in background323 viewsHaving OP fun just before the 50knot gusts hit!! : % Insane!!
Later tailwalking on flat 3.5, big waves, yikes!!KUS (0 votes)
Clover Jan 29/ 06487 viewsI hate when I'm the only one with a camera!! Big waves, nobody else out, bummer, no reference for the size of these babies unless you know Clover Point1 commentsKUS (1 votes)
C'mon, how bad can it be dood?496 viewsGlad nobody else wanted to try so I could bow out after my sad attempt of sailing this HUGE stuff! Let the sealion eat something else too!4 commentsKUS (0 votes)
Willows Megahole in wet white smoke338 viewsCan you say: "Gusty"?KUS (0 votes)
compared to Willows OP 3.5, tail-walking, November 3rd606 viewsWicked that!KUS (1 votes)
Willows Dec 22 after White Smoke spell1952 viewsNice Waves Doooods! :)KUS (0 votes)
Willows Dec 22 during White Smoke spell711 views"...er, this doesn't look like 15 knots to me..."2 commentsKUS (3 votes)