image00153 viewsBobson at IV1 commentsBobson01/05/25 at 21:32KUS: How?
146 views3 commentsbwd12/17/24 at 08:40Bobson: That huge waves name might be Dave.......HugeWaveD...
146 views3 commentsbwd12/16/24 at 20:20ozy: Stating the obvious I know , but that's a hug...
146 views3 commentsbwd12/16/24 at 11:30bwd: Measured waves were 2.3m (7.5ft) @ 6sec from Hein ...
5m kite day at IV. SE 31 g 41 at this time171 views3 commentsmore force 401/13/21 at 08:30more force 4: THe wind picked up loads after this pic - pretty s...
5m kite day at IV. SE 31 g 41 at this time171 views3 commentsmore force 401/12/21 at 12:10winddoctor: It was definitely more than 31-41 when I was there...
5m kite day at IV. SE 31 g 41 at this time171 views3 commentsmore force 401/10/21 at 14:24abetanzo: I was so overpowered on a 5m felt like it hit 50kn...
Island view120 viewsImage from new cam1 commentsJL12/16/19 at 16:22JL:
Kelp 48 knots188 viewsAs Jl puts it, IV is ON!!1 commentsmore force 409/24/16 at 08:29Atomic-Chomik:
Kelp R. 40+189 viewsI.V. is back1 commentsJL11/12/15 at 17:43KUS: cool, wind at IV, how many years ago was the l...
Pink dawn186 views2 commentsJL07/12/15 at 11:49more force 4: red sky at night, sailors take fright; red sky at ...
Pink dawn186 views2 commentsJL07/10/15 at 18:22Bones: red sky in morning, sailors warning
17M cloud foiling 137 viewsjuandesuca1 commentsJL04/05/15 at 07:44juandesooka: final cloud session before sale...
High tide145 viewsShore pound1 commentsJL12/20/14 at 14:40juandesooka:
night riders130 viewsIf you squint you can see a windsurfer & a kiter enjoying the dusk push. Archives not available today.1 commentsJL12/18/14 at 22:37voodmon: riders on the storm.
Prototype BWD " Skycam"137 viewsReady for Spring sessions1 commentsJL04/02/14 at 09:27KUS: are these f%$*ing guys gonna take over every singl...
Whale watching :0205 views4 commentsBA11/02/13 at 08:12KUS: Agreed, get TF out of the water is my motto. Pret...
Whale watching :0205 views4 commentsBA10/30/13 at 14:39Windsurfish: I hear a theme song from a certain movie playing i...
Whale watching :0205 views4 commentsBA10/30/13 at 13:56juandesooka: Everyone loves orcas. But I'd say orcas are ...
Whale watching :0205 views4 commentsBA10/30/13 at 13:21JL: B.A. & I Missed that by .5 hour
How many windsurfers can you see?274 views4 commentsmore force 412/16/12 at 10:50KUS: Yellow and black....mostly black... KA 4.7 ...
How many windsurfers can you see?274 views4 commentsmore force 401/05/12 at 11:23SMACK: hmmmm...and your mom said it would make you go bli...
How many windsurfers can you see?274 views4 commentsmore force 401/03/12 at 18:12GWIND: How can U see orange ? U got owl eyes ?
How many windsurfers can you see?274 views4 commentsmore force 401/03/12 at 17:29morewind: I'll own up to the orange ezzy