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parking.jpg May2109 Long Weekend129 viewsSeriously, where was everyone?1 commentsSnarfer05/26/19 at 19:36thankgodiatepastafobreaky: Wow you had wind too?? Amazing. Richard Branson st...
DSC_0654.JPG 76 views3 commentsjmclennan05/11/19 at 08:54juandesooka: "don't correct, eject"
DSC_0655.JPG 120 views2 commentsjmclennan05/09/19 at 11:27Sandy Beach: Cool So Good!! Very Happy
DSC_0654.JPG 76 views3 commentsjmclennan05/07/19 at 12:52more force 4: What ever happened to 'hold on to the booms f...
DSC_0655.JPG 120 views2 commentsjmclennan05/07/19 at 11:56more force 4: Cummon Sandy, POW contender!!
DSC_0980.JPG 44 views1 commentsjmclennan05/06/19 at 19:41HiyoSilver: Smile
DSC_0654.JPG 76 views3 commentsjmclennan05/06/19 at 19:38HiyoSilver: Long ways down Surprised
DSC_0623.JPG 36 views1 commentsjmclennan05/06/19 at 19:37HiyoSilver: Cool
IMG_8637.JPG 72 views1 commentswinddude04/30/19 at 13:26JL: Twisted.
IMG_8619.JPG 84 views1 commentswinddude04/30/19 at 08:02winddoctor: Fun day! Thanks for the pics, WD!
20190406_1355085B15D.jpg Energy to boost in Esquimalt Lagoon291 views7 commentsmore force 404/19/19 at 19:34thankgodiatepastafobreaky: look out ducks!
MTZ_1834.jpg Jacob Howard Speed Blur142 views2 commentswinddoctor04/17/19 at 08:49winddoctor: Idea
MTZ_1834.jpg Jacob Howard Speed Blur142 views2 commentswinddoctor04/16/19 at 08:50downwind dave: not bad, a little faster shutter speed would clean...
20190406_1355085B15D.jpg Energy to boost in Esquimalt Lagoon291 views7 commentsmore force 404/07/19 at 20:04more force 4: I almost got a video of one of his jumps, I filmed...
20190406_1355085B15D.jpg Energy to boost in Esquimalt Lagoon291 views7 commentsmore force 404/07/19 at 07:26gnarf: Sick
20190406_1355085B15D.jpg Energy to boost in Esquimalt Lagoon291 views7 commentsmore force 404/06/19 at 20:10abetanzo: easy to get up not easy to land!!
20190406_1355085B15D.jpg Energy to boost in Esquimalt Lagoon291 views7 commentsmore force 404/06/19 at 17:20winddoctor: Got his fins right out!
20190406_1355085B15D.jpg Energy to boost in Esquimalt Lagoon291 views7 commentsmore force 404/06/19 at 15:59nanmoo: That's Josh and he was going that high.
20190406_1355085B15D.jpg Energy to boost in Esquimalt Lagoon291 views7 commentsmore force 404/06/19 at 14:55KUS: Camera angle weirdness? Or: That is insane high ...
June_wind_dallas.JPG June Wind Data for Dallas132 viewsSame as May data, adjusted for missing days, but same conclusion - some good years some bad, probably need another few decades back (or just the next one) to really see climate change pattern affecting wind.2 commentsmore force 404/05/19 at 11:56UnusuallyLargeRobin: I predict you will never detect a climate change p...
June_wind_dallas.JPG June Wind Data for Dallas132 viewsSame as May data, adjusted for missing days, but same conclusion - some good years some bad, probably need another few decades back (or just the next one) to really see climate change pattern affecting wind.2 commentsmore force 404/04/19 at 09:39KUS: I recall suffering during the mid 90’s to 2003 o...
Big.jpg BIG135 views2 commentsTsawwassen03/24/19 at 18:40KUS: Focus!!! Whatever is behind you doesn’t really m...
Big.jpg BIG135 views2 commentsTsawwassen03/24/19 at 07:58downwind dave: nice one Very Happy
2009-11-19-1930-54~0.jpg 270 views3 commentsvoodmon03/15/19 at 18:12voodmon: 9.0 asd slolam board and a 5'5 north, we were...
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