windoc tack311 views3 commentsjuandesooka08/09/21 at 12:25winddoctor: Breached that one and slapped down. I was getting ...
windoc tack311 views3 commentsjuandesooka07/26/21 at 15:28juandesooka: good eye MF4 the rest of the sequence shall ...
windoc tack311 views3 commentsjuandesooka07/26/21 at 13:27more force 4: No problem with the foil tip breaching? WDoc, I t...
Getting committed at Gordons!95 viewstrying my new gopro out2 commentsKeen07/06/21 at 07:37KUS: that'll be the clamp
forward at Gordons117 viewsOver-rotated this one and almost destroyed my knee...1 commentsKeen07/02/21 at 06:44Tsawwassen: Nice one!
Getting committed at Gordons!95 viewstrying my new gopro out2 commentsKeen07/01/21 at 10:28more force 4: Your hand is back at the clew? That is commitment!...
Shaggy looking at days of lore160 viewsBut does he miss it?2 commentsnanmoo06/15/21 at 07:32juandesooka: I foresee straps in his future
Shaggy looking at days of lore160 viewsBut does he miss it?2 commentsnanmoo06/14/21 at 17:57KUS: I was indeed wondering the same thing as th...
Foiling to Mt. Baker37 viewsBobson foiling at CP in front of Mt. Baker1 commentsBobson06/01/21 at 11:32more force 4: WOW POW
Golf Course Foiling43 viewsBobson foiling in front of Golf Course on 4.5m1 commentsBobson06/01/21 at 11:30more force 4: who knew, golf courses do have a purpose - nice ba...
Landed it150 views5 commentsjuandesooka06/01/21 at 01:23Lateriser: best ever relay transition to he next racer with t...