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IMG_2913.JPG 1328 views1 commentsAC
shark.jpg Shark in Tofino1321 viewsThis shark beached itself at North Cherstermans, Tofino on Friday. Can you name the species of shark? I can post more pics if anyone is interested.5 commentsicurumba
DSCN0244.JPG Grant kicking the sky1315 views3 commentsspinetingler
DSC_0091.jpg JR Mar 18 PhDewd1295 viewsPhDewd
IMG_0645_1.JPG Nitnat Hot Tub1278 viewsWhat do you get when you mix rainy weather, bored windsurfers and bored kiteboards with time on their hands at Nitinat? A HOT TUB! That's right, a feat of scientific genius created an actual HOT tub (too hot at times) on the beach at Nitinat - they had a pump pumping water out of the tub into 70 feet of coiled copper coil that was in the fire with water heating up through the coil they routing back into the tub! The pump was run by a generator and the tub was made by digging out sand in the middle (to act as a bench for the feet) and cutting logs up to place around with a tarp in the centre - voila! Sure felt good after a long day sailing..........
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