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Aug.2,06-108cropped.jpg Mark "2 dogs"803 viewsSpikephoto
P1020255.JPG Windfest 2006 - Wow!792 viewsmortontoemike
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Cook_cam979.jpg 784 views1 commentsbwd
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Img_0021.jpg Island View, 6 February. "Da Boys".776 viewsGareth
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boardmeeting.jpg board meeting736 views"hey sailor, what's your sign?"bean
john_john_1.jpg Johnny Doo Bad733 viewsHere's an old one of Johnny with his favourite ,, Gorge Animal Bonser 7'6",,,,, still at cook ,,, that was his motorhome in the background to the right.. ,,taken about 1992, Island Sails was the name of his sail loft ,,, he had this board custom made in the Gorge with "Island" graphics on the bottom...that was when he lived on 10 mile point with Jose and Kevin.... long time ago... can see his logo on his motorhome door ,,, ,,, slim and trim in those days ,, 3 commentsBones
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18222 files on 760 page(s) 8