VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • kiteboarding accidents / safety tips - Page 4
Page 4 of 20

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 10:39 pm
by Kite Kook
to clarify, that would be Paul Betts I am guessing? Not me :)

Anyway, nice to see a healthy discussion/debate and awareness raised. I think this all comes down to common sense and responsibility. Personal responsibility and the responsibility we have to give others a helping hand, make them welcome and give them tips (including the best locations for each stage of learning).

I hope everyone has a great year on the water and that the winds continue to blow.


How Much is to Much

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 7:17 am
by AC
A good way to gauge youself because most people are unshure about what size of kite to launch. If you can not fly the kite on the beach unhooked while you are depowered. It is to Windy for you..
dont launch upwind of any one or anything if you are a new kiter.
Cheers 8)

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:32 am
by JL
Read this if YOU think helmets are 'uncool': ... ght=safety Please encourage 'newbie' kiters to use safety equipment. ... 2868476522

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 12:06 pm
by JL

Wind Assoc Meeting

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:29 am
by KUS
I would think this thread is more applicable to revive for a Victoria wind sport association backgrounder. We have covered a lot of issues here and there is tons of info to base a chapter and terms of reference on and this could extend to cover the Nat and up island as well.

I am rarely kiting but would be in favor and would support a monthly meeting to ensure our kiting community especially can be heard and has some platform for representation. The lawyers and such in our community may have great info for us to get started. OR has of course a more commercial interest. The BWD community in general needs to step this up. Kiting is part of our group and even tho windsurfing is not really affected by potential beach closures I think we also need to show our support.

The Beagle seems the perfect spot to have meetings. How about we get this going while the wind situation sucks :?: I propose a shot the crap meeting for this Wednesday, 7pm, Beagle Pub. Pls bring ideas and a positive attitude. :idea:

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:19 pm
by KUS


I hope some of you can make it out, I'm willing to try this in an effort to have our community have some form of representation.

If there is another meeting, Ross Bay Pub next month as Winger has offered the first round, ha :twisted: nice going Winger! 8)

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:27 am
by MartyD
I am in for the next one for sure.
Just get a date a week or so ahead


Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:58 am
by AC
Hey Mark thanks , I think it is a good idea, just making people aware
of the hazards of the Victoria water front.

I believe it is only the water front that really holds the threat to people who are learning by them selves, and the By standards around them.

I believe there should be no learning how to kite board at Cook st .
There is just way to much these days going on at the beach from ,Other
kiteboarders,windsurfers,and just people watching.

People who watch do not know the sport of kiteboarding.
and maybe they should be introduced to the sport maybe like a sign.
that may show a bit about the sport.

And maybe , what level that Kook Street is, like"Advanced riders only.and that beginners should not learn there unless they
are capable of going upwind.
I think G wind should change his name To LIPPY

I think another meeting would be a good idea. Even if it is just for drinking beer. There were a lot of good points made last night.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:18 pm
by JL

Re: Kus

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:21 pm
by ambientrax
AC wrote:Hey Mark thanks , I think it is a good idea, just making people aware
of the hazards of the Victoria water front.

I believe it is only the water front that really holds the threat to people who are learning by them selves, and the Bystandards around them.

I believe there should be no learning how to kite board at Cook st .
There is just way to much these days going on at the beach from ,Other
kiteboarders,windsurfers,and just people watching.

People who watch do not know the sport of kiteboarding.
and maybe they should be introduced to the sport maybe like a sign.
that may show a bit about the sport.

And maybe , what level that Kook Street is, like"Advanced riders only.and that beginners should not learn there unless they
are capable of going upwind.

I think another meeting would be a good idea. Even if it is just for drinking beer. There were a lot of good points made last night.

I absolutely agree with no learning at KOOK st...
I will not attempt it untill I have a very solid grasp on this kite.
It is amazing how oblivious people are...

I was just learning how to kite in a huge open area, no-one in the general area...

and along walks a family, I have tension on my lines, and they start to walk towards my kite, and almost try to go under the lines...

so what do you do?


warn people before you set up to keep a safe distance

If you are learning, and there is too much traffic, especially kids, dont bother, save it for another beach...

Mind ya, I bet I could clear dallas point in a real hurry... :twisted:

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:30 pm
by JL
If your kiting in a PUBLIC area & your gear is in the way of others (non-kiters) leave your kite on the ground & wait until the area is clear ... Others have every right to be in the area ... DO NOT aggravate observers,just be patient . 8)


Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:37 am
JL reading this post makes me laugh. I take it u have not been to nitinaht lake.That place is a free for all, AC should take some of his own advice. A lady broke her leg there on the weekend. That beach is a bad launch. way to on shore I think. Kitemare beach ya gotta love it.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:59 am
by JL
I started windsurfing Nitinat in 1986. @ least MOST campers visiting Nitinat are wind enthusiasts & have an awareness of what is going on. I was thinking more of Island view (a C.R.D. park) & Dallas Rd. (Cook St.) in my previous post . I get frustrated watching videos of 'pro kiters' NOT using leashes on kites & jumping over hazardous objects. Getting back to Nitinat: As long as kiters continue to launch towards the beach there will be serious accidents. Obviously a sport that can hurtle us through the air has inherent risks, but we should work to minimize those risks ... Nitinat is worthy of posted recommendations for kiters perhaps even with a designated launch area. 8)

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:53 pm
by JL
Kiters please read through this thread before helping newbie kiters & remember 3 important things: 1. when kiting in PUBLIC areas DO NOT fly your kite while non kiters are in the zone 2. Don't assist/launch a kiter that doesn't have a safety line on their kite 3. If you are dragged or begin to be lofted on land LET GO ... Thanks for reading ... 8)

One more accident

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:35 pm
by 57palm
I know many of you local kiters have now heard of an accident at IV this past week. I would just like to tell you all what occurred so we may all learn from it as I was one of the people directly involved.

Last fall I introduced a friend of mine to kiteboarding. First he was at the beach with me flying a trainer for fun and after showing much enthusiasm and some good control of the trainer I got him to fly my power kite in about 12kts. Like many of us he was instantly hooked after seeing the potential. After that I coached him through the purchase of a good used kite setup, was thorough in instructing him on the dangers, risks and commitments needed to start kiting and had him at the beach a few times to show him setup and basic kite skills.

Over the winter he got out flying his kite a handful of times in light wind. Always he was initially tentative but gained good control of the kite in a short time and being a coordinated athletic person seemed to progress very well. He was anxious to get out in the water and body drag but I suggested we wait for the right day (a day with wind in the 13-17kt area). Well that day seemed to be here, after a stronger morning things lulled to 13 gusting 17kts and seemed suitable enough. He came to the beach, rigged his gear and was ready to go. I came off the water as things were getting too light to have fun, landed my kite and proceeded to help get him going. At initial launch he seemed quite tentative and a little confused about the controls but I summed that up to being a little nervous so got him in the air settled down the kite overhead and suggested we walk to the beach. I held his harness firmly and proceeded with him towards the edge of the field, the entire time watching his kite to correct him if anything silly happened. Just near the edge of the field I glanced away to see where we were walking. Then without warning he was forcibly ripped from my hand, I could only watch in total terror as his legs and lower body violently inpacted a small log at the edge of the filed and he was dragged over the log where his face impacted the ground. All I could think was "I hope his kite stays on the ground" and luckily it did. However in that split second and 15ft he managed to break his foot in 10 places needing surgery to correct it and facing possible life long repercussions.

Wow! what is there to learn from this. It seems like a repeat of the same story we hear over and over again. I thought at the time we were being suitably cautious. I knew getting him to the beach was a risk but a calculated risk given his previous (but limited) flying experience. To reflect on this a few things come to mind. I am pretty sure he did not let go of the bar when this happened, had he let go the impact and danger would have been greatly reduced I likely failed him in not emphasizing this enough. Like JL said make sure people know how to let go and this can be hard as your first instinct is to hold on tighter. Also it would have been a better idea for me to take his kite to the beach rather than have him fly it there. This is just another reminder of how dangerous this sport and the locations we all take for granted are.

One other side effect of teaching friends to kite is how bad it makes you feel when something goes wrong. I have woken up having nightmares about this for most nights since it occurred. This cannot be compared to the real injuries he sustained but I am sure thankful it was not more serious as I have true love and affection for him and his family.

To a good friend, heal well,
