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Found at Nitinaht

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:47 am
by kitesurferdale
Currently I have two kite Bars and Lines. One I believe belongs to Downwind Dave? Sorry dude, forgot to pass that off to someone to bring back to vic. so I still have it here. The other bar was found up passed the sauna, so if you are missing a bar, PM me with a description and I'll let you know if it is the one I have or not.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 12:43 pm
by downwind dave
not me, last time i owned a kitebar was 2003!
maybe winddoc?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 1:40 pm
by Kite Kook
That first one is Marathon Dave's. Not sure of his number, someone else have that? Johnny?

lost at nitinat

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:09 pm
by windcraver
Hey I lost my sunglasses at nitinat ....left them on a picnic table about 3 campsites after the day park... if anyone finds to have those back.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:24 pm
by KUS
hmm, yeah, lost my 35mm camera there my blanket on the beach as I walked to the water for a 1989 or so.

Would be nice to have THAT back too :roll: :wink:

lost at nitinat

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:43 pm
by windcraver
WOW - that is really shitty Kus...1989 huh? good to see that your not still peeved about it !! :P wink wink

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:08 pm
by kitesurferdale
getting a bit off topic here, but it is surprising what people leave behind.

I have been cleaning up for the last three days, so far I have aquired

12 broken camp chairs
2 car batteries
8 8X12 unusable tarps, some still hanging when I came upon them
3 sleeping bags
a full wardrobe of clothes of all sizes
3 jackets
6 campfire cooking grates (cheap kind and in various states of destroyed)
1 4X8 folding table
1 Folding card table
3 destroyed tents, all complete with busted components
3 bench seats from a van (I know who these belonged to from several years back)

Of course there is the usually entry carpets and such that are stewn here and there as well.

All in all quite the collection, and I still have one more afternoon of clean up still (or so I figure).

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:55 pm
by more force 4
I noticed the camp was much dirtier than usual Dale, I hoped it was mostly the fishermen responsible, not the kiters or windsurfers. People even been crapping through the main campsite (including right by Vic's spot), didn't like the outhouses I guess :twisted:

Hope you get some time on the water between cleanup, you must be well self-disciplined, I'd take forever to finish that job if it was blowing!

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:20 am
by kitesurferdale
Unfortunately I cannot place much blame for the garbage on the fishermen. I would say 65% of the garbage came from the beach and kiters end. 100% of the clothes and tents came off the beach. As for those that chose to poop in and around the campground, I do hope in your wanderings for another poop site, you happen to fall in your old doo doo, that is just plain rude and inconsiderate to all the other users. In discussing the problem of smell in the outhouses, it has been discovered that the two near the kite end have no vent pipes out the back, hence the nasty smell and the other two had short vent pipes. So the plan is to have vents added to assist with the prob of smell for next year.

Kite Bar

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:46 pm
by asscrack
Marathon Daves home phone number is 381-1975 Sorry about all the problems.Seems that civilization sucks.