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Nitinaht Kite Session

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:02 pm
by norona
Awesome week of Kiting. Hardly anyone there and even the weekend was not busy. saturday nuked! It was great to see so many friends again....and meet new ones.

Little vid

norona vid

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:33 pm
by Sandy Beach
Glad to see that helmet cam video turned out well, Norona. Great music.

Such a amazing week of daily thermals, yet very few people on the beach, campground and lake. Ahhh, Nitinat paradise.

Was that a North surfboard you were riding?

Hope to see ya again.
btw, thanks for the launch.

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:10 am
by zen Flier
Wish I was at the lake ,house, work, family, life, keep getting in the way of kiting

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:23 am
by thankgodiatepastafobreaky
awesome video !! 8)

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:58 pm
by norona
thanks all, yes I love Nitinaht, it is one of my favorite places. Sandy nice to meet you and yes pretty incredible to be there with so much wind and no one around. Yes that is an 2008 North 5 foot rocket fish, love it! Beware though once you try it you wil be hooked on surf boarding forever like me and I need to get better with tricks no on my twin tip but surf board is too much fun. I did a little piece on my blog here..

I am there next week again, can't wait!!!