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To the Mexican crowd

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:55 am
by saulman
Ola Amigos!

Due to some pending changes, work will soon cease to be a constriction to my sailing time (no, unfortunately I did not win the lottery). So we are considering a little drive. -to Mexico /the baja. "We" would include my wife and our two kids ages 5 and 3, and myself. To be politically sensitive, this would have to be a trip that does not focus on the wind. However, I will bring gear and will be planning some TOW.

We could probably go for up to 6 weeks on the road and we are considering three ways of travelling: purchase an older class C MOHO, purchase a travel trailer to tow behind our 2006 F150 extended cab or purchase my parents '89 VW Westfalia (Vanagon).

I'm looking for any comments and advice on
-our possible modes of transport and their pros and cons in Mexico
-insight from those who have travelled Mexico by road with kids
-a collection of other activities/sights around LaVentana or other windsurfing spots that might offer more family stuff.
-a minimalist gear list for a mediocre sailer
-driving through the baja and Mexico in general (there is already a fair amount in the forums)

Hopefully the trip would start around mid-December.

Gracias! :)