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Port Alberni to Nitinat
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:44 pm
by EvanOR
Never done this route - via Bamfield/Carmanah. Anybody know if the Google Maps route is legit? Road conditions about the same as via Cowichan?
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:53 pm
by KUS
tough route via Bamfield/Carmanah....I think you want PA to Franklin, then Nitinat.....then perhaps Carmanah
takes about 1/2 hr longer on gravel, a bit confusing to find the entrance and don't miss turnoff to Nat/Franklin, if you go straight you WILL go to Bamfield....usually a bit rougher and more traffic than Lk Cow routes
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:59 pm
by JL
Try these free topo. maps. Click on grid desired then mouse on right.
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:04 pm
by abetanzo
this map could help
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:07 pm
by JL
Now thats a map !!! But I feel a little dizzy

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:11 pm
by juandesooka
somebody posted last year about an adventure they had after trusting google maps' recommended route ... with their road getting narrower and narrower, and more and more grown over ... and their route taking hours extra after back tracking.
It sounded like the google intel was not up to date on the logging roads.
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:56 pm
by abetanzo
haha! sorry JL after reducing it by about 85% that's what you get!
anyone want a better copy email me... its normally about 5.5MB
Port Alberni to Nitinaht
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:38 am
by randrew
we take our trailer through ,the road is well marker all the way through about an hour and a half with trailer one hour just truck,,
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:41 pm
by mortontoemike
KUS wrote:
takes about 1/2 hr longer on gravel, a bit confusing to find the entrance and don't miss turnoff to Nat/Franklin, if you go straight you WILL go to Bamfield....usually a bit rougher and more traffic than Lk Cow routes
We traveled it on Saturday. It's really only a bit rough on the hill going up to the lookout over Barkley Sound/Alberni Inlet. The rest of the road is really pretty smooth especially the 15 km paved section after Franklin Camp.
BTW, We met a logging truck coming down that hill on Friday and I was white as a sheet after it passed. He was coming downhill in a wide arc and I didn't think he was going to clear us. It's the most freaked I've been on that road in 18 years.
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:18 pm
by KUS
mortontoemike wrote:We traveled it on Saturday
timed it from Nanoose?

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:02 am
by abetanzo
I have a couple other maps from the backroads map book.. let me know if you'd like a copy
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:34 pm
by EvanOR
Easy. About 90 mins and well marked. Google Maps route legit.
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:45 am
by tempy
Careful on the paved section - you can start whooping it up and down like a rollercoaster and bottoming out as you get going too fast.
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:55 pm
The Whoop de du section. Never hit the ceiling on that run. 30 K only