Home > Top Webcam Pictures > Dallas Road Webcam
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Race_Rocks_.png Ross Bay cam82 viewsshaggy55555
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Cookcam-1-1044.jpg Cookcam-1-104467 viewsbwd00000
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Cookcam-6-1555.jpg Cookcam-6-155582 viewsbwd00000
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Cookcam-6-1556.jpg Cookcam-6-155645 viewsbwd00000
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Cookcam-6-1649.jpg Cookcam-6-164935 viewsbwd00000
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Cookcam-6-1749.jpg Cookcam-6-174933 viewsbwd00000
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Cookcam-6-1756.jpg Cookcam-6-175637 viewsbwd00000
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Screen_Shot_2021-01-05_at_4_25_36_PM.jpeg 140 viewsJanuary 5thshaggy00000
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storm_graph_Jan13_2021.png Wind rose from 9 knots to hurricane force 65 in only 20 minutes. Good thing no-one was out!!!!98 views1 commentsmore force 400000
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para.JPG parasail108 viewsjuandesooka00000
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June_wind_dallas.JPG June Wind Data for Dallas132 viewsSame as May data, adjusted for missing days, but same conclusion - some good years some bad, probably need another few decades back (or just the next one) to really see climate change pattern affecting wind.2 commentsmore force 400000
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march_wind_dallas.JPG History of wind for March for Dallas Road. 106 viewsTaken from Ogden Point in Archive, but accounting for days with no data (the archive doesn't do this I don't think). Its pretty cyclical but 2019 is definitely the record-holder for wind drought.more force 400000
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smokecam.JPG Smokecams118 viewsCan't see the water at Dallas and the Colwood shore has disappeared from the Ogden cam.more force 400000
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clover.JPG Going Left -- Clover Pointbreak159 views1 commentsjuandesooka00000
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Kook_Cam_1611PM-8Dec2017.JPG 160 views1 commentsSnarfer00000
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snow.jpg Snow day152 viewsjuandesooka00000
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Cookcam~13.jpg 108 viewsJL00000
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Cookcam2-2-0739.jpg The sailboat has the right of way238 views1 commentsbwd00000
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Cookcam~12.jpg Spring like session135 viewsJL00000
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streamimage_php~31.jpg Barges on the beach151 viewsTugs working to clear the abandoned barges off the beach.1 commentsJL00000
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Cookcam-Jun232015-144919-orca.jpg Killer whale off Dallas Road250 viewsIf you have trouble spotting the Orca, just look for the giant red arrow on the photo that is pointing to it. :)Clive W00000
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Cookcam~11.jpg Just like Downtown258 views2 commentsJL00000
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Cookcam~10.jpg Watson146 viewsJL00000
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Cookcam~9.jpg Sea Hawk Sky173 viewsLet's hope we see this again in 2 weeksJL00000
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214 files on 9 page(s) 1