Wind rose from 9 knots to hurricane force 65 in only 20 minutes. Good thing no-one was out!!!!98 views1 commentsmore force 401/18/21 at 10:36tweezer: musta' been some windline
June Wind Data for Dallas132 viewsSame as May data, adjusted for missing days, but same conclusion - some good years some bad, probably need another few decades back (or just the next one) to really see climate change pattern affecting wind.2 commentsmore force 404/05/19 at 11:56UnusuallyLargeRobin: I predict you will never detect a climate change p...
June Wind Data for Dallas132 viewsSame as May data, adjusted for missing days, but same conclusion - some good years some bad, probably need another few decades back (or just the next one) to really see climate change pattern affecting wind.2 commentsmore force 404/04/19 at 09:39KUS: I recall suffering during the mid 90’s to 2003 o...
Going Left -- Clover Pointbreak159 views1 commentsjuandesooka05/10/18 at 20:47Atomic-Chomik: kinda gusty eh
160 views1 commentsSnarfer12/08/17 at 19:16voodmon: Is it planet X ?
The sailboat has the right of way238 views1 commentsbwd05/17/16 at 09:16downwind dave: outta the way princess
Barges on the beach151 viewsTugs working to clear the abandoned barges off the beach.1 commentsJL03/03/16 at 20:09rocdoc: Vancouver has "Bard on the Beach" every ...
Just like Downtown258 views2 commentsJL06/17/15 at 14:46KUS: wish I had gone there instead of G, sorry JL but t...
Just like Downtown258 views2 commentsJL06/16/15 at 20:49abetanzo: counted about 30 kites today!! no biggy lots of ro...
sure was lonely out there......223 views5 commentsmore force 405/27/14 at 09:49Bobson: nice catch Morley! Wish I was able to catch that a...
sure was lonely out there......223 views5 commentsmore force 405/26/14 at 12:00more force 4: Yeah, well most places in the world couldn't ...
sure was lonely out there......223 views5 commentsmore force 405/25/14 at 22:06nanmoo: 7.4m is more than 2.0m bigger than my largest sail...
sure was lonely out there......223 views5 commentsmore force 405/25/14 at 19:56more force 4: Yeah well I was expecting at least kites. Class ra...
sure was lonely out there......223 views5 commentsmore force 405/25/14 at 16:02KUS: 220L and a 7.4....I wonder why
April 10-2013207 views1 commentssnapper30004/10/13 at 14:04snapper300: Shame I had to leave and go to work. Ah well... ...
"I'm on a puke boat..."325 views1 commentsTheLaw02/25/13 at 10:09TheLaw: I cannot imagine this little journey across the ol...
Troubles brewin' over those hills250 viewsThick layer of marine cloud2 commentsJL08/23/12 at 12:09KUS: maybe they are coming to swallow the huge floating...
Good Signs :)320 viewsToo windy for the Parasails, just right for kiting!1 commentsKite Kook08/22/12 at 09:28skywalker: that wasn't a parasail, that was a kook with ...
Troubles brewin' over those hills250 viewsThick layer of marine cloud2 commentsJL07/28/12 at 15:14Sandy Beach: rolling ominous clouds, great photo!