UnusuallyLargeRobin - Wingfoiling |
Thursday July 06, 2023 5:35 PM |
Spot | Ross Bay |
Conditions | WSW 10-15, 1-2' |
TOW | 1.0 hours |
Toys | 187 lb / 85 kg Me Carbon-based Lifeform |
Ultrashort (64.3cm) Axis Black Fuselage | |
90cm Axis Alu Mast | |
425 P Axis Rear Foil/Stab | |
HPS 1050 (1460cm2) Axis Foil | |
5.5 Duotone Unit | |
75 lt Fanatic Sky Wing 5'0 | |
Details | Arrived to see idefix, highAsArocker, and tweezer schlogging in the east bay. Tweezer eventually paddled in, which made Shaggy and I walk our gear up to the Clover Corner for a launch closer to said wind line just off the point. Got going easy enough after a minor paddle out. Very light flying with some swell assist. Eventually decided it was getting to light and started to head in but only made it just inside the bay before i was becalmed. The long paddle (felt like exercise) back to the beach, but still nice to get some rides and wet!! Heading to Nitnaht for the weekend!! [from Sailing Log on Thursday July 06, 2023] |
Speed (3s average)
Speed | knots | km/h |
Avg overall | 5.7 | 10.6 |
Avg in motion | 9.3 | 17.2 |
Max | 12.8 | 23.7 |
Max 100m | 12.0 | 22.2 |
Max 250m | 11.8 | 21.8 |
Max 500m | 11.3 | 20.9 |
Max 2s | 12.7 | 23.6 |
Max 10s | 12.2 | 22.5 |
Max Alpha (500/50m) | 10.2 | 18.9 |
Avg Foiling | 9.8 | 18.1 |
Times and Duration
Start | Thu Jul 06, 5:35 PM |
End | Thu Jul 06, 6:26 PM |
Duration | 00:50:50 |
In motion | 00:31:12 |
Paused (< 3 km/h) | 00:19:33 |
Foiling | 00:26:28 |
Not Foiling (< 8 km/h) | 00:24:17 |
Last Calculated | Fri Jul 07, 12:52 PM |
Track Information
Distance | 8.9 km |
# Trackpoints | 1974 |
Avg Trackpoint distance | 4.5 m |
Number of Turns | 33 |
Foiling Turns (> 8 km/h) | 25 |
Foiling Turn Percentage | 76% |
Category: Wingfoiling
2 years ago
Created 2 years ago
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44 Rippin the right radii |
51 10/1/2025 Ross Bay |
56 2025NumeroUno |
51 Onwards to the 12th dimension |
48 RB omg best day of the year |
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