250325 Cabarete

 Highrocker - Wingfoiling

 Tuesday March 25, 2025 8:41 AM

 Spot [Secret spot]
 Conditions ESE 12-25, 1-3ft swell
 TOW 2.3 hours
 Toys 146L Starboard Inflatable Air Foil Deluxe SC Wing Board
5m Cabrinha X3 Windows
2050sqcm Axis 1020mm Carbon Front Wing
900mm Axis Aluminum Mast
 Details An outstanding couple of sessions resulted from lugging my gear 1km down the beach to a more sheltered put-in. Moderate winds at the start got me to pump up the 5m. That was good until I went further out where the swell grew to 3-5ft and I was way op'd. Instead challenging the big ones, I stayed closer in 1-3ft swell with manageable winds. Took a break and changed batteries. 2nd sesh had reduced winds so I stayed with 5m, then it amped up to 4m winds. Ended it when the winds reduced with my pampered hands well and blistered. Ridiculously fun! [from Session Log on Tuesday March 25, 2025]

50 km
Leaflet | Map data: © OpenStreetMap

Speed (3s average)

Speed knots km/h
Avg overall 5.2 9.5
Avg in motion 7.8 14.4
Max 12.7 23.5
Max 100m 12.1 22.3
Max 250m 10.8 20.0
Max 500m 10.2 19.0
Max 2s 12.6 23.4
Max 10s 12.5 23.1
Max Alpha (500/50m) 10.2 19.0
Avg Foiling 8.4 15.5

Times and Duration

Start Tue Mar 25, 8:41 AM
End Tue Mar 25, 12:23 PM
Duration 03:42:05
In motion 02:27:07
Paused (< 3 km/h) 01:00:35
Foiling 02:09:08
Not Foiling (< 8 km/h) 01:18:34
Longest Foiling Segment 00:15:10 (3.9 km)
Last Calculated Tue Mar 25, 5:12 PM

Track Information

Distance 35.3 km
# Trackpoints 4935
Avg Trackpoint distance 7.2 m
Number of Turns 112
Foiling Turns (> 8 km/h) 98
Foiling Turn Percentage 88%

Category: Wingfoiling Yesterday
Created Yesterday

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