Willows - Tuesday Afternoon Delight

 Bobson - Windfoiling

 Tuesday March 18, 2025 3:31 PM

 Spot Willows Bch
 Conditions SE 8-12, flatter than flat
 TOW 1.0 hours
 Toys 1263 Slingshot Phantasm Foil PTM-926
280 Slingshot Stabilizer PS400
872 Slingshot Phantasm Fuse
82cm Slingshot Phantasm Carbon Mast
6.0 Sailworks Flyer
130 Slingshot Wizard
 Details Arrived to what looked like 10-14kts, well.... it wasn't. RobC was just coming in and said it was light. Apparently I thought I knew better. I headed out on the 4.5m did one schlog and figured it out. Came back in and rigged a big fat 6.0m Sailworks Flyer, said Hi to creeper TunaCan, said Bye to RobC and then headed out again. it was GREAT flat water fun for an hour and I came in just in time as it was dying quickly. Packed up happy with myself for not trying to make the 4.5m to work and just coming in and rigging bigger. Pretty rookie mistake rigging too small thinking that the parking lot winds were real. Well, they weren't real and I should have known that. oh well, great session, that's all. BOBSON OUT!! [from Session Log on Tuesday March 18, 2025]

50 km
Leaflet | Map data: © OpenStreetMap²Speed (3s)Speed (1s)Acceleration
Distance: 0.0 kmTime: 00:00:00Max Speed (3s avg): 0.0 ktsMax Speed (no avg): 0.0 ktsMax Acceleration: 0.0 m/s²

Speed (3s average)

Speed knots km/h
Avg overall 13.1 24.2
Avg in motion 13.4 24.8
Max 20.5 38.0
Max 100m 19.7 36.5
Max 250m 19.0 35.1
Max 500m 18.5 34.2
Max 2s 20.5 38.0
Max 10s 19.7 36.5
Max Alpha (500/50m) 16.4 30.3
Avg Foiling 15.3 28.4

Times and Duration

Start Tue Mar 18, 3:31 PM
End Tue Mar 18, 4:23 PM
Duration 00:52:16
In motion 00:51:04
Paused (< 3 km/h) 00:01:06
Foiling 00:42:48
Not Foiling (< 8 km/h) 00:09:22
Longest Foiling Segment 00:42:25 (20.2 km)
Last Calculated Fri Mar 21, 8:05 PM

Track Information

Distance 21.1 km
# Trackpoints 3136
Avg Trackpoint distance 6.7 m
Number of Turns 28
Foiling Turns (> 8 km/h) 28
Foiling Turn Percentage 100%

Category: Windfoiling one week ago
Created one week ago

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