Willows - Cant Stop The Bear

 Bobson - Windfoiling

 Thursday March 20, 2025 1:51 PM

 Spot Willows Bch
 Conditions SE 8-12, flatter than chatter
 TOW 1.2 hours
 Toys 280 Slingshot Stabilizer PS400
872 Slingshot Phantasm Fuse
82cm Slingshot Phantasm Carbon Mast
950 Slingshot Phantasm Foil PTM-930
6.0 Sailworks Flyer
130 Slingshot Wizard
 Details Took afternoon off work and arrived at Willows 1:30pm with Sir Lancer-lot on the beach, looking for Wind. I took out the wind meter and stood by the stairs and it was 7-10kts. We both saw some darker patches a way out so we decided to rig big and hope. WestCoast and The Twizz both showed up and decided to 'just talk about wind'. I rigged a big fat 6.0m Sailworks Flyer and put on my smaller foil (950cm2) hoping there was enough wind. I was first out and had to schlogg over to CP and then caught a gust and pumped like a crazyman and finally got it up and didn't come down for the entire session. Did one trip over to JemmyJones at the end just as the wind was dying but made it back to the beach without coming off the foil but with quite a bit of pumping. Saw Lancer closer to shore where there wasn't as much wind. I had to work pretty hard to 'keep it up' but it was worth it. The smaller foil still has a pretty slow stall speed. Definitely twitchier than the 1263cm2 but felt like it wanted to go faster but just not enough wind to really get it humming! It definitely glides longer than the larger foil. 54 foiling jibes in a row. Nice!! Maybe tomorrow there will be some more wind! When I got back to the beach everyone had gone. As I was leaving, the wind was picking up and I probably should have stayed but I was feeling pretty tired after extremely hard workout yesterday on the Elliptical. BOBSON OUT!! [from Session Log on Thursday March 20, 2025]

50 km
Leaflet | Map data: © OpenStreetMap

Speed (3s average)

Speed knots km/h
Avg overall 14.0 26.0
Avg in motion 14.1 26.0
Max 18.5 34.2
Max 100m 18.2 33.6
Max 250m 17.7 32.8
Max 500m 16.9 31.4
Max 2s 18.4 34.0
Max 10s 18.2 33.6
Max Alpha (500/50m) 16.9 31.4
Avg Foiling 14.9 27.6

Times and Duration

Start Thu Mar 20, 1:51 PM
End Thu Mar 20, 3:09 PM
Duration 01:18:42
In motion 01:18:26
Paused (< 3 km/h) 00:00:14
Foiling 01:13:02
Not Foiling (< 8 km/h) 00:05:38
Longest Foiling Segment 00:00:06 (15 m)
Last Calculated Fri Mar 21, 7:54 PM

Track Information

Distance 34.0 km
# Trackpoints 4722
Avg Trackpoint distance 7.2 m
Number of Turns 54
Foiling Turns (> 8 km/h) 54
Foiling Turn Percentage 100%

Category: Windfoiling Yesterday
Created Yesterday

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