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Unread post by blackdogvan »

Any chance of pinch to zoom on the webcams images Dave? The wind / other info is too small to read.
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more force 4
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Unread post by more force 4 »

Pinch on the webcams works on my blackberry :D. But I'm using a regular browser, not the mobile one.
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Unread post by Keen »

some updates were made to the app:

- webcam tab was simplified but seems more stable than before
- there is dynamic content loading of satellite and cam imagery (only loads if you try to view it) so the page should load much faster and use less data
- you can do some simple bookmarking now of the tabs (for instance, if you go to latest reports tab you'll see a really long URL in your browser but this can be bookmarked to take you right there). The back button will work to a certain degree too though sometimes its a bit confusing.
- if you're not using iOS you can simulate what it looks like by using this link: ... eme=iPhone
I have only tested this with an android simulator but it seems to work well and solves some of the issues of colours not working well (i.e. hard to see)
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