Nitinat party kooks

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Nitinat party kooks

Unread post by dunkinguy »

To the kook kiter in the black Delica, who thought it would be a good idea to bring up all of his redneck non kiter friends and have a bush party all night Saturday until the sun came up- give your head a shake. Please people, use some common sense and show some respect. I can think of about 10 different bush sites within 20 min. Of Nitinat where you and your friends could have stayed up all night having a blast impacting no one. Then in the morning you could light your fire with gasoline and burn all of your plastic bottles and no one would notice.
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Unread post by KUS »

Guy probably doesn't read much :roll: or can't :lol: but it's just fun to read the inconsiderate dickhead factor is still redlining at the lake :idea: :evil:
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