Sandy Beach: "This is shockingly sad news and a loss to the wind community. Many of the BWD community knew Allison from Nitinat and Baja. Her energy and enthusiasm for kiting will be missed. I will add this thread to 'in memory' section. R.I.P. Allison".
GaianCaptain: “It is indeed. I was shocked when a friend shared the news with me the other day. So many people getting cancer and dying. Break the hearts of everyone”.
thankgodiatepastafobreaky: “Yes this is very very sad. Allison was a very fun person with such a lively personality”.
Wavos Rancheros: ”Allison was a co-worker and she was an amazing standout person, strong identity, funny, smart, and savvy. Always appreciated her presence in the room. She was a force of nature”.
nanmoo: "That's incredibly sad. Her sense of humor was one of the best on the beach at Nitinat".
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