Log Started: Wednesday July 7, 2004
Total Records: 294
This Year: 0
Monday October 25, 2004
Island View, Windsurfing
Monday October 25, 2004
Toys Used:
Island View, Windsurfing
SSE 25 - 30 2-4 swell
1.00 hours
RRD Cult 55 8'4", 83L North Voodoo 4.0m
sweet and short outing. rigged with the first glow of the day, got on the water just before 7:30am. BWD out shortly after. low tide created some nice smooth swell and kept the break at bay. Sailed non-stop for 1 hr. then, had to quickly pack up and head to work - made my 9am meeting with wet, salty hair. good fortune to work on Keating for SE dawn patrols...