Chem trails

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Chem trails

Unread post by AC »

What the hell, Some of the things i am reading about this is
pretty hard core. Is this what is changing the weather?
or population?
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Unread post by Gareth »

Yep, and the moon is made of green cheese.
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Unread post by mortontoemike »

Sorry. What is a "Chem Trail"?
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Unread post by Gareth »

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Unread post by mortontoemike »

OH ..... The "Chem" connection is that the contrails are composed of condensed H2O I gather. We need to be wary. The H2 part of the H2O in these chem trails is explosive and has caused deaths in the past, most notably the Hindenburg disaster. The O is responsible for oxidation and destruction of metals, in cars for example.
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Unread post by GWIND »

CHEMTRAIL- I think that is what comes out of our tailpipes or is that our pot pipes ? I'm confused!
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Unread post by KUS »

ok, those chemtrail guys, their site....what a bunch of nutcases, holy crap

I LOVE the obesity controversy, "what did they put in our food that all us US citizens have turned fat, musta been some kinda chemtrail", that kills me
:lol: :lol:

The drought worries me tho, sure as shit they'll come to my beloved BC to get water :evil:

oh, need I mention Witchmond SUCKS HARD :?: I didn't think so... :roll: someone drop by to have a beer with me, all my friends have fled Traffcouver
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Unread post by Graham »

Man, KUS you wrote all that with not one keyboard error. Kind of reminds me of that old "WKRP in Cincinnati" episode where Johnny Fever got more coordinated and quicker reflexes the more he drank!!
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info released

Unread post by voodmon »

under us freedom of info act states that the chemtrail program was started in 1997, with full gov't funding using us airforce equipment, large bombers, fuel tankers etc [the equipment has been observed on these planes]...spraying particulate matter into the upper atmosphere 37000-40,000ft to supposedly collect moisture, and control the weather amongst other things, this activity was first reported and observed over victoria in dec 2000. Unfortunately some of this particulate matter including radioactive isotopes{barium} aluminum and others are showing up in high concentrations in peoples lungs all over northamerica, in area's, particularily ontario where there is no other source for these isotopes..this program is ongoing...and definitely not anyones fantasy...
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what i find very interesting today is...

Unread post by voodmon »

there are no contrails today, and no cloud, could argue its marine air that causes the anomaly, international air travel is still in the air today, so why no contrails????..perhaps they are only spraying inbound air... nuff said.....
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Unread post by KUS »

ouch, I got edited :shock: Big Brother's watching :!:
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Unread post by voodmon »

no clouds and no contrails today either and it's definitely marine air...
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Unread post by Gareth »

You need specific atmospheric conditions for the vapor trails to show up.
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Vapor Trails.

Unread post by asscrack »

:D Just follow my vapor trail,hahahahahaha.up and awayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! :P
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Unread post by voodmon »

i will post some more up to date info on here later, when i have the time to present a very clear picture to you all..cheers all
Surfing outside of Platos cave, searching for Blue Skies.
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