Victoria Harbour Crossing

We want your feedback: comments, complaints and suggestions for the website


Victoria Harbour Crossing

Unread post by tam »

Well, we could be one step closer to this becomming a reality!

I spoke with the Victoria Harbour Master this morning with regards to a crossing. It can be done. He requires a letter detailing our intentions. Upon acceptance he will issue a one time 'organized event' permit to cross. We will need to stay in close contact with him up until the day of, so that he can forward the information and date to Seaplanes and traffic in the Harbour. He will give us a fly zone, that will definately be on the outside of Brochy Ledge Beacon (called VB). Here's where JL's forecasting will need accurate!

Mark, we should definately take you up on the offer of a 'safety boat', *thank you so much for offering*!! Not only will it aid in our credibility as an organized event, but also be crucial should something go wrong.

Which leads me to my next topic.. insurance. Is there anyone out there that has a good relationship with an insuranc carrier? I, of all people, think insurance is one of the biggest legitimate scams out there, but we'll most likely need some type of insurance to satisfy the Harbour Master. If it only equates to a few bucks per person, then it's no big deal, but if its thousands, then we'll have to either cancel or get creative about fundraisng.

This is an open event, to the entire watersport community, both windsurfers and kitesurfers (bathtub racers excluded)

Before I begin to draft a letter to the Harbour Master. First I need to get an idea of how many would be interested in the crossing. WHat are your opinions? Could we make this a fundraiser for BWD to either host a new Cook st. Cam or just use the funds for the existing site (however he see's fit) (what are your thoughts Dave?) What would be an acceptable crossing donation?

I know nothing so, please any suggestions, opinion and comments are welcome, positive or negative. Some of the more seasoned riders have great experience in this area and your knowledge is crucial to making this a success.

Unread post by Gareth »


We have buy-in from potential sponsors. This could be a really great event and a fun way to give BWD site a cash infusion. What we need to know is aproximate numbers of people willing to participate. Ideas on formatt. (Do the windsurfers want to make it a race?). Would the end of July be a good time? What about a weekday evening? That way we do not have to sacrifice Nitinat. The reason for numbers would be T-shirts to comemorate the event(at no aditional cost). And as Tammy said, In the spirit of the site, it would be open to everyone( no slamming each others sports or brand of equipment). As a fundraiser it is more meaningful than just donating cash. Looking at the forum(sorry dood thread), it seems tha $ 50 would be reasonable(in the form of pledges you don't even have to donate it all yourself and gives the oportunity to collect more). For those few couples, we could provide a discount on the minimum pledge amount.

Any input, please post on this thread.

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Great idea

Unread post by bwd »

Hi Tam and Gareth:

I think it's a great idea. I like the idea of pledges - it should be fairly easy to get 5 $10 pledges from family or friends. $50 seems like a good number.

I was thinking that any money raised would go to the Cook street webcam and also maintenance and running of the IV and Gordon's cams. It would be nice to upgrade the Gordon's and IV cams (to camera's that don't need a computer) and also pay the hosts internet bill on a regular basis.

I would be interested in participating - although the end of July is usually my annual Gorge trip.

Let me know what I can do to help out,
Now That I’ve Given Up Hope, I Feel Much Better


Unread post by tam »


I think it would be completely acceptable to use the proceeds where you see fit, (exlcuding trips to Vegas :D )!

What is the exact date of the Annal Gorge trip? We can exclude that block. Are there any other dates that you can think of that may interfere with a group crossing?
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Unread post by bwd »

Hey Tam - Vegas no, but maybe Maui :lol:

I might be away from July 12-Aug 3, so you probably don't want to plan around my schedule. Maybe everyone else can comment when they think the best dates are. Someone should check the archives for July/Aug 02/03 for Esquimalt, Vic Harbour and Gonzales.
Now That I’ve Given Up Hope, I Feel Much Better

Unread post by Guest »

keep your annal gorge in your shorts please

Unread post by tam »

HAHA I just got that.. funny typo when all you miss is an a.

figures someone would comment on that! :oops:


Unread post by Gareth »

About 30 participants would raise about $1500. Imagine being able to see Cook St on a webcam.


Unread post by colin »

what is the proposed route?
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Unread post by JL »

8) This subject is spreading over 2 index's, I think we should move to "special events"!!
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by windaddiction »

well count me in! Um i mean the only hard thing for me is gongi to be the wind or lack of it... the biggest i can go on is my 9 foot seatreand and a 5.7! but even if i can't sail, i'd more more than happy to help in a safety boat


Unread post by rs »

I'm in for whatever! A Cook Street Cam would be Epic. man it would save alot of time standing around..............


Unread post by kitesick »

Count me in ! Let me know how I can help. Cheers, Darwin
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donations and event

Unread post by kitesurferdale »

I would love to participate, of course if it is planned during and weekday evening, then it would be tricky for me to participate, but as stated in the other (sorry dood) thread, I would love to pledge $50 towards development/maintenance of this site.
Airtime! whoo hoooo, its all about the airtime...... ok waves rock too!
Kook St. Kite Kook

funds and crossing

Unread post by Kook St. Kite Kook »

Hey: I am all for supporting this site. Regardless of whether this goes ahead, or if I am in town to participate, I think raising funds for the cook cam is a great idea (or are we still supposed to give you more time to raise sponsorship funds Dave?).

Anyway, I am up for doing this just about anytime. Maybe even a practice run or two, if this is develops into a 'fun event' or whatever.

And although permission isn't needed, if enough people are going to go, probably a good idea to let the harbour master dude know, and find out about cruise ship traffic. Those puppies can really block the wind...

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