salt or sugar non-skid?

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salt or sugar non-skid?

Unread post by more force 4 »

Next windless weekend day, I'm going to (after 14 years) apply a non-skid surface to my venerable Astro Rock. I've heard the easiest thing is to paint on a thin coat of epoxy, then dump sugar or salt on it, wait for it to harden, then wash off the extra goop.

My question -- does sugar or salt work better? Does the size of the grains make a difference? Should I try to get a coarse rock salt rather than table salt, or use Demerara sugar or something? Someone did a similar job on another of my boards, and it is more like rounded pebbles than the #80 sandpaper feel I'd prefer.
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Unread post by wind_dummy »

just use regular sugar rather than salt

Unread post by Ix »

The best, which lots o custom board builders in maui use is foam dust (just get a block of that high density board foam, and sand it into a container). it works pretty good... its that fine grainy powder that you mix with some resin (cold cure or very thin long pot life epoxy) and spread about. use a roller to spread it, and make sure that the consistancy is still fairly liquid. if it ends up too coarse, you can wetsand it a bit until its what you want. here thats not so much of a problem, cuz you wear booties most of the time tho. I've done it like this, and it worked great.
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try acylic dust

Unread post by bwd »

Hey MF4:

try this link:

I find acrylic dust works really well and it lasts forever. Also, as people have mentioned, use a super thin coat of epoxy and then sprinkle on the dust. Make sure the epoxy has a UV inhibitor or your board will turn yellow in the sun. I have lots of acrylic dust if you need some. I'll be back in town around Nov 28 or so,

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Unread post by more force 4 »

Thanks winddummy, ix, and bwd
great info - the web page almost makes it me-proof. I let myself get talked into some non-skid in a can (opaque white with angular rubber chunks) at Industrial Plastics, but I'll exchange for some epoxy - with UV. Anyone around town with acrylic dust ? (by the time BWD gets back, I'll be in Haida Gwaii for a week. I'll want to sail as soon as I get back...)
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