What length harness lines you sailing?

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What length harness lines you sailing?

Unread post by KC7777 »


So I have the new Fanatic wave SUP and 85L FreeWave....hoping to be in some waves some day soon.

Pretty much been on 22" Dakine fixed lines forever. For going back and forth at Nitinat.

Been reading a bit about line length (Guy Cribb, Matt Pritchard etc), thinking I may try some longer lines this year....and move my boom up from shoulder to chin height?

Thinking of 28" fixed Dakine lines. (me....a not so lanky 5'7" with hair).

Has anyone else made the switch from 22" to 28" or similar?

Is there anywhere to buy lines in Victoria (might be coming thru there next week).


Last edited by KC7777 on Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Harness line length

Unread post by skipro »

Hey Keith, I picked up a pair of adjustable lines at the Jericho swap this year. I am not using them (not mounted on a boom), You are welcome to try them at the Nat, figure out the size you need and then mail order some sets.

I believe they are Rushwind, with a webbing buckle on one side so you could infinitely adjust them on the fly, and then measure the length you like the best. They seem pretty long, probably originally intended for racing/course slalom...

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Unread post by KUS »

go up in increments, you won't like going from 22 to 28 but yeah, you will like the 24 or 26 after a short while....once you get rid of the seat harness 8)

I find my 30's make me work too hard and cause pain in the elbows and shoulders, the 28's are just right for me and I have my boom at the max height level of the sail cutout....which of course affects line length too.....Where are you running your boom??? if you can raise the boom, you will automatically need longer lines....higher on the boom, more sail leverage and control.... I find. Doc has 30 or 32's :?: :lol: anyway, hammock like
Last edited by KUS on Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Winddoc runs 28's I think. Which I Believe are the longest you'll see. But he is also as tall as a 200 year old Sitka with super model-like, long, sleek, sexy, mostly hairless legs.

I run 26's, spread a fist apart.

The further you run yours apart the longer you'll want to go relatively to someone who runs them like a monoline. I like that happy balance between not spending a bunch of time figuring out the sails balance point and have some flickiness to the sail.
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h lines

Unread post by KC7777 »

KUS wrote:go up in increments, you won't like going from 22 to 28 but yeah, you will like the 24 or 26 after a short while....once you get rid of the seat harness 8)
Kus - I am using a waist harness! I think my boom is at about chest/shoulder height....below the middle of the cutout. Probably gotta raise it a bit to the middle of the cutout.

My 22" are about 4 fingers apart.

Gonna rig up a sail up tomorrow in the back yard....first time rigging since last August. Will see how the 22" lines look with a higher boom and go from there.

Craig - I may try your adjustable lines this weekend....I am likely coming to Nitinat if the weather is good.

From what I was reading some guys are running 30" - 34" lines. Crazy.

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Unread post by Geoffy »

Matt had me move to 26" last year at clinic, same height boom (between shoulder and neck). Much better and only took a couple days to adjust to longer length. I'm 5-10. From his comments to others there, I would recommend you go to 26 also - 28's are for those bigger kids (with or without the legs Nanmoo so admires.) I run mine about two fists apart to allow for lots of downhaul adjustment (Naish Sails). Locking the waist harness down tight so it doesn't ride up also helps to get used to the longer lines.
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Unread post by winddude »

Make the switch to longer! It will help you plane earlier and get out through shore break. And keep you further away from the board = more power and better sail position.

I run 28 or 30cm Dakine Mono-Lines, they make the sail feel super responsive.
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Unread post by winddoctor »

If your butt is slapping the chop (Slapchop TM) or you can't maintain pressure through your lines, you've gone too long. Even the smaller freestylers on the world tour have long lines (28+). In higher wind and crazy water states you really see the benefits of longer lines because you can get some distance from the gear rather than feeling trapped. In flat water with slalom gear you can run'em a bit shorter without a penalty.

Regarding boom height, it makes sense that you need longer lines if you run the boom higher, but if you are wavesailing or even just doing bump'n jump stuff where you need lots of mobility, chin height's pretty high and makes it tough to keep weight through your feet and be really dynamic. Shoulder to collar bone height is usually right for most guys.
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Unread post by eastside »

I went to 28 in, then to 30 about 2 years ago. I think it helps to get me up wind if I hang off the boom. Mast foot pressure. I try and put the boom up in lighter wind but find I am more comfortable in stronger wind around shoulder height. I didn't like the adjustable lines because I found them hard to get in to as they don't swing right, if that makes any sense. Just go to something longer in increments. Harness lines aren't that expensive and they wear out quickly anyway. You will enjoy the thruster KC. Nitinat is a good place to experiment with different set ups. Then you will be dialed for the coast.
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Unread post by nanmoo »

eastside wrote:Then you will be dialed for the coast.
:shock: :lol: 8)
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26" lines

Unread post by KC7777 »


Does anywhere in Victoria sell 26" fixed lines? Kus - do you sell harness lines?

North Shore Ski and Board in NVan only has up to 24"

I'll probably just order a pair online if I don't hear anything,

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Re: 26" lines

Unread post by KUS »

KC7777 wrote:Hey,

Does anywhere in Victoria sell 26" fixed lines? Kus - do you sell harness lines?
yes but Gwind got my last 26" set, got some 30's....oops, one other pair, 26 or 28...
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Pick some up in Hood River on your way to the Coast Keith.
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Unread post by KC7777 »

Hey nmoo,

Ya ya. The Coast. The Oregon frickin Coast! I know it is there. I think about it all the time.....haven't sailed since August 2012....in 9 months you forget a lot. And likely not sailing for another week or two if Nitinat craps out this weekend.....fat and old and out of sailing shape.....after reading Kus's logs the Coast sounds awesome for my yearly re-entry into the sport! I can't wait.

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Unread post by nanmoo »

Most of us haven't been sailing much more than that anyways.

And besides, squeaky wheel gets the grease, if I keep badgering we might see you down there! you have all the right gear now!
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