Kite from Dallas road to port Angeles possible? anyone in?

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Kite from Dallas road to port Angeles possible? anyone in?

Unread post by scottmckenzie89 »

Would like to do this, for experience , fun, ego, etc.. Anyone know if it's possible or any suggestions,

No smart ass comments , just your view or if your keen to do it as well,

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Unread post by thankgodiatepastafobreaky »

From Gordon's I went out as far as I could once on a typical 25 + knot thermal day and the wind petered out once I was about 20 km (??) or so over. It definitely wasn't blowing all the way. But many times in Port A there was lots of wind so I guess the suggestion is to check both sides for wind before leaving and a chase boat doesn't hurt. And how do you deal with Customs and especially Homeland Security you drug runner you. Have fun!
curses - foiled again!
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Unread post by T0URIST »

Better yet, lets have an international Kite Race!
Back in the olden days, when people windsurfed, this was an annual event.
Granted this was pre-911, but there should be a way to satisfy customs / coast guard concerns.
I would be thrilled to participate !
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Unread post by abetanzo »

logistics alone you'd have to have many things align to make it happen!

we are planning a downwinder from gordons to clover point one day.. maybe you could join us then!

as for the 'sailing' across you need to land at a port of entry which is port townsend.. unless you're on the COHO...

it would be a pretty sweet trip! chase boat recommended fo'sure
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Unread post by CTK »

I've been coming back from Port Angeles and its been blowing 20-25knot... about 3/4 of the way back the wind died down and nothing in Victoria... waited and watched thinking it would come in but it didn't..
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Unread post by scottmckenzie89 »

great thanks for the input! , im keen to get a downwinder from gordons to clover forsure, keep me posted when your date!

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