Kiting in Nanaimo

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Unread post by nanmoo »

The internet of course my friend.
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Unread post by ScottMartel »

Kitemares happen to the best of us, let's always remember to lend a hand to a kiter in need especially if we are around in these situations. We know better than any one of the public if we step in we can help avoid others getting hurt. Glad to see the site has been updated about Pipers, very helpful for out of town kiters and can assure more safety to others in the future. Glad to hear he is alright. Let's continue to work together in these tough situations, I know we've all been there.
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Unread post by HiyoSilver »

The internet is a big place 🙄
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Unread post by GregK »

Copied from KiteboardBC forum :

Fri Oct 12 - Lost Red Airrush 7M Kite - Pipers Lagoon
Postby mparkes » Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:15 am

My cousin lost his red 7m Airrush and bar in the late afternoon. It flew down from pipers lagoon heading towards the Nanaimo harbour. PM if found. Thanks
Last edited by GregK on Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by HiyoSilver »

I'm not a member of that site; perhaps you can pass on mssg?: I phoned coast guard and they were going to look for it and pick it up. Not sure if they succeeded... Thanks :)
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Unread post by GregK »

Thanks Kus for updating the Pipers wiki Kiteboarding Hazards sections, and being there to help after it happened.

Gotta admit kiting accidents affect me deeply, it's a residual guilt thing from walking past one of the worst kite accidents in the Gorge just seconds before it happened. I thought "I should warn this guy not to launch then and there" and 5 seconds later Bam it was all over. He was wrapped around a big tree inches away from a cut-off branch that could have impaled him and an elderly woman bystander had been full-flying NFL tackled from behind and was carried off on a back board.

So my point is, we, the windsport community need to help our members connect with kiting mentors to learn from those with lots of experience. We must do more to help prevent this kind of thing happening again.

The fellow was a Nanaimo local rider, not a beginner or newbie, or an out-of-towner, he was one of us. Did we make it easy for him to learn where to kite around home and where not to?

So there you go, rant/sermon over, did it for you John Bridal !
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Unread post by KUS »

GregK wrote:Thanks Kus for updating the Pipers wiki Kiteboarding Hazards sections, and being there to help....

Did we make it easy for him to learn where to kite around home and where not to?
no problem for me, as patching people up like buddy's hand used to be my thankless job in the skiing industry for a dozen years..and I had no real hand in the support of the kiter, Nanaimo's finest and EHS were all over it...I just helped their access cutting locks off the gates....something very Bruce Willis about bolt cutters in action.....not sure how the Nanaimo taxpayers feel about it all though :lol:

I must say you raise an intense's curiously consistent that there are very few if any kiter entries on the wiki yet there are way more kiters than windsurfers ...yet here is an example where a kiter relies on the wiki (or better yet interprets the cautions of windshadow/gusts to not apply to them), some of you in turn further support a general group effort and safety net of instruction and the universe to guide him through ongoing input.....

Speaking in generalities as numbers matter: Somehow the expectation of complete info availability and guardian angels abounding is somehow part of the instant gratification process that IS the kiting to no personal investment of energy toward the greater good or accepting personal responsibility yet everything must be provided or we feel guilt...why is that??

I don't feel even a little tiny bit of your guilt...I've had bad stuff happen to's usually my bonehead fault cuz Darwin was right...and yes it's nice when people help out, but I have no such expectations...ever. So I do my homework.

PS: in my book having a shattered hip and a head injury is NOT being "alright"

See? Now that's a rant :wink:
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Unread post by rvanderbyl »

I find it curious/interesting that someone has posted on Facebook and not BWD about the missing kite with a picture matching the one here. I wonder if that may be why so many kiters don't post sessions here. Certainly wouldn't want everyone in the wind community to know about your poor choices and not such a big deal if your mere mortal friends find out. 😉 If you're the only one going out wouldn't that be a clue to not do so? Come to BWD for the help and support you need. While you're at it make a donation to cover the costs of the mental anguish we've all suffered reading this thread. 🤦🏼‍♂️
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Unread post by juandesooka »

rvanderbyl wrote:I find it curious/interesting that someone has posted on Facebook and not BWD about the missing kite
I saw it posted on the Vancouver Island Fishing group ... which is actually pretty smart, thinking of who is most likely to find it floating around out there. The other place to post is wherever a beach walker is likely to see it ... craigslist, usednanaimo.

Keep in mind too that online forums are now more or less reserved for old nerdy dinosaurs, versus modern social media. From my experience as an older nerdy dinosaur, I've found most online forums now get only a small fraction of the traffic they used to. BWD included ... there's a solid enough core around here keeping things afloat, but there's sure a lot more beach people that are never or rarely joining in here.
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Unread post by rvanderbyl »

Wasn't my point but...
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Unread post by KUS »

Keep in mind too that online forums are now more or less reserved for old nerdy dinosaurs, versus modern social media. From my experience as an older nerdy dinosaur, I've found most online forums now get only a small fraction of the traffic they used to. BWD included ... there's a solid enough core around here keeping things afloat, but there's sure a lot more beach people that are never or rarely joining in here.
interesting and I had no idea you could replace they also have webcam and wind readings and model forecasts on Facebook and such? Or a sailing spot Wiki? Or they just link to these :roll:
Another reason to reward active members with a password access. No contribution but cherry picking up what you need where you need it....cuz someone else provides...I respect Dave being set against blocking non- users (non-contributors) but it makes it hard for those trying....but I digress :roll:
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Unread post by nanmoo »

I think a lot of people are not even detailed orientated enough to care about those things Kus. You see it in all the snowsports and windsports FB groups, people post asking for information and hoping other people will do the research and summarise it for them. Anecdotally I notice it on the beach - people who have been kiting or surfing for awhile ask me why I know what is going on wit the wind/waves and where I get my information from and I just can't figure out how they don't already know it themselves with a smart phone in hand. As a test I've then googled something like "Vancouver Island Wind" and BWD is the top link in the search. Go figure. It's probably just that people are getting more and more lazy or more and more distracted so they feel they don't have time to do it themselves.
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Unread post by GregK »

Well, Markus, kiters are not "you" and windsurfers are not "us" - many of us, myself included, did or do both.

So why should we be more diligent in helping new kiters steer clear of the hazards ? Watch a few kitemares ( ) and it's obvious the potential for pain and injury to the rider and bystanders is greater with kiting than windsurfing ( except for those nasty sharp and pointy slalom fins back in the early 1990's, eh ? ) even in lighter winds.

Don't see too many windsurfing rigs going pop up in the power lines unless it's REALLY blowing !

So rant on all over "us" Kus because I know that under all the barbs, claws, and snarls is a true windsport devotee, a top-shelf guy that really does care. But go a bit easier on Joey, he's learned his lesson, the hard way. Now up to us ( = windsport enthusiasts ) to ensure others don't have to ( learn the hard way ).
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Unread post by JL » ... ing_Safety 8) Sorry if the wiki was mentioned already.
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Unread post by GWIND »

I think this guy had it figured.
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