Women's Windsurfing Clinic

General discussions about windsurfing: equipment, setup tips, problems, where to go, where you should have been, lost and found
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Unread post by windsurf247 »

Sounds good Boobson. Might as well pack your gear. It's been unusually windy there all week- a bit gusty in the bay but better further out.
See you there.
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women's clinic

Unread post by windsurf247 »

Well, the women's clinic was a big hit. We had about 20 eager participants who all left with smiles :D It was a bit breezy at first but settled down enough to provide ideal learning conditions.
MAny thanks to Glenda, Dallas, Stephen and Lea who graciously donated their time and gear to help out. Also thanks to Bobson who made it out to sell a few shirts, take a few pics and do some naked START sailing :shock: - well almost naked.
Good times were had by all. :D
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