Foil Kiting / wing in Mill Bay??

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Foil Kiting / wing in Mill Bay??

Unread post by Noahrainey »

The latest in a series of "oh shit, my wife wants to live in this windless location"; I have a new request! Does anyone know any kiters in the Mill Bay area or anywhere on the west side of Saanich Inlet? An old sailer said theres a wild northerly that runs there? He said ppl call it "Squall Bay" and laughed.
Seriously though, any wind? or Beta?
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downwind dave
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Unread post by downwind dave »

north winds don't happen very often but when they do there's a good beach south of town towards the ferry. no beach if the tide is up though. more common is the SE, you can catch at Cherry Pt, but you get about 10 kts less than the airport/IV. With foils coming in vogue i think westerly inflows in Cow bay might become a thing, you see 10-12 kts in there all summer.
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