Mystic Gear Order

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Mystic Gear Order

Unread post by MartyD »

I am putting in a Mystic order in the next couple weeks. I know suits, booties, gloves and harnesses have been hard to come by.

I have a Voltt suit and booties I have been happy with but only got out about 20 sessions on them.

They make harnesses, suits, neoprene items and apparel.

If you want to order anything let me know asap. It took about 2 weeks to arrive last year.

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Unread post by thankgodiatepastafobreaky »

I have had 2 Mystic Star Harnesses. They are similar to the Session Harness with the lower diaper part so it doesn't ride up. That lower part is black so it blends in so you still look cool. :D 8) :?
curses - foiled again!
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Unread post by tempy »

sent you an email, Marty
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Unread post by MartyD »

So I should have checked first but pretty much everything in neoprene is back ordered til may or not available in S-L sizes.
Sorry everyone. I'll try again in April and see if they have got production running better. If anyone is xs or XXL it is your lucky day!
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