life jackets

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life jackets

Post by jjjim »

I once had a very near drowning experience at Nitinat that impressed me with the value of lifejackets. I wonder if there is any such thing as a "cool looking" lifejacket. Or more like a functional, really comfortable one. We seem to be able to come up with cool helmets (esp. with dreadlocks!); is an acceptable lifejacket even possible? I'm not so concerned about totally legal flotation. What are the various vests like?. I should think that somebody must make a really excellent flotation vest of some kind. Something that would be a pleasure to wear.
p.s. I'm not trying to convince anyone else to wear a's just a personal option. For instance, I don't wear a helmet although it is undoubtedly a good idea. I just don't like wearing them.
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Post by colin »

lotus makes some really nice vests. they are more expensive but deffinately worth it. ive never used it for kiting but im sure it would work well. they are shaped like triangles which removes the floatation from around your arms for more freedom. and they are deffinately the more stylish brand!
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Life jacket

Post by BigD »

I picked this one up in the Gorge. Not only does it look cool but waterstarts are much less work. ... php?ID=432

Post by Guest »

I have a Canrinha vest impact jacket. I look cool in it when I am just in a bathing suit down south, It is especially good as it holds in my flab!. A westsuit in Northern clims keeps me floatin, and I look good in all balck 8) :arrow: :roll:
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Post by KUS »

Wow, nice find BigD :!: , I may have to get me one a those for them lonely winter nights/dawns of sailing...I often wonder whether my corpse will be found should I get separated from my rig or have my ticker go way out from Columbia :? ......I bet the sealions wouldn't touch a red vest, don't see the point of getting a white, black or dark green one

hey, JJJim, how'd ya almost drown? I recall getting stuck under my sail once at Swell City after a catapult and the harness line somehow twisted twice so I couldn't unhook....I started freaking until I managed to free the harness :shock:
Last edited by KUS on Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by monkeymanmike »

I've used a wakeboarding/waterskiing vest in the past made by O'Neil, and although it has a warning in large letters that it is not an approved life jacket, it does offer extra floatation. However, now that I've started wearing a waist harness instead of a seat harness, I can't get everything to fit! Plus, it's a little tight on me to begin with. :shock:
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Post by Martin »

Bought an O'neil "Vapour" impact vest in July and have used it for over 40 sessions.
It is not Coast Guard approved but is the least bulky one I could find.
It has a short zip part way up the back. Fits like a glove, thought it was too tight at first but after a few sessions found it to be just right.
Use it with a Dakine Fusion harness.

Didn't want an impact vest at first as it is more "gear" but after a rib injury changed my mind. Not that it will prevent every injury but hope it helps!
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Post by Voostra »

I'll second the vote for lotus - I've got one that looks more or less like this one: ... mo_cat_id=

It's bright yellow, so it probably make me more visible, I haven't had any problems with it restricting my movement, and it works well for kiting as well as kayaking. Also, although not technically an impact vest I took a little drag over some rocks when I was learning, and didn't feel a thing. Also, it's nice and short - I use a waist harnes, and the jacket naturally rides high enough that it doesn't interfere with getting in and out of my harness.

There are probably some other out there with a similar design, I think alot of whitewater kayaking ones are low-profile and don't restict movement.

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Post by Pete Evans »

I agree about a kayaking lifejacket - they're designed to sit above the spray deck of the kayak and not get pushed up over the shoulders - that's perfect for a waist harness too. And some have nifty mesh pockets for gear. Down in the islands I always carry my cell for safety as I'm usually on my own - I bought a little plastic case that you can use the phone without taking it out - pretty funny to answer work calls while kiting and they don't even know you're three miles off shore on port tack. I have a little cheap GPS too.

Anyway, try Ocean River Sports in Victoria.

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Post by colin »

thats the lotus model i have and it works fantastic

Post by Guest »

How'd I nearly drown? I was romping with total confidence, going very fast when a 3 foot rogue swell appeared ahead of me. Felt so good I decided to blast it. Big jump, and fast but half way through a gust twists me sideways. No problem, let go and my kit flys away. But I land on my back right in the meat of another swell and knock the wind completely out of me. No problem, jellyfish float and sqeeze the knees till I can breath a little. But now my board is some distance away. No problem, swim hard. But now it's even further away. Swim hard again but I realize it's travelling faster than I can swim. No problem, forget it. Roll onto your back and swim gently to shore, about 100 yards. But then I pass out (due to lack of oxygen because my lungs aren't really full and I've been swimming hard). I come to and open my eyes to find myself about 10 feet under water. I struggle to the surface only to pass out again and find myself deeper underwater. This happens four times. I come to to find myself sitting on the weedy bottom, the murky geen sunlight far above me. Things get really stupid as I hear a voice telling me to take it easy, give it up, and just let it go. It's me talking to myself, figuring I'm just not going to make it. Suddenly, up in the right top corner of my meagre consciousness I see a movie of my little girl sitting on the beach where I left her, making towns in the sand. She's not going to like riding home with strangers because she had to leave her dead dad at the lake. SAY WHAT?!!? A deep parental instinct squirts my last bit of adrenaline and I stroke it for the surface with everything I have left. I have no idea what I will do when I get there. I surface gasping madly. And there, right in front of me, about to run me over, is a girl who is very surprised to see me. I grab the nose of her board with both hands, wiping her out, and throw myself onto her board, finally take some deep breaths. I'm o.k. My savior can see what's happened, asks if I'm ok, and somebody has my kit. I get back to shore and flop on the beach. I tell my tale to the group assembled and a fellow in a big geeky orange lifejacket says, "you shoulda had a lifejacket." No kidding. A nice cup of coffee put he right and I was back out sailing.
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Post by Swissmatt »

holly molly .. that story just made my stomach churn .. you went to the bottom four times and everytime regained consciousness in the nick of time to get another breath? I dare say you had a few more than just one guardian angel sitting on your shoulders ..

I wear a wetsuit or drysuit with an impact vest overtop, eventhough they are not floatation devices, they do keep you afloat (especially with the wetsuit) .. still, wouldn't want to get knocked unconscious .. no self-righting etc. .. then again, being knocked unconscious is what impact vests are supposed to prevent .. guess there's just no 100% security in a sport like this, kinda like riding a motorcycle .. common sense makes you live longer .. :lol:
* Just do it!*

Post by jjjim »

Yeah. each time I was awakened by a curious tingling around my lips. Something I had never felt before. I have since learned that it's a very primitive response for keeping water out of your mouth. Asthmatics get wheezy from having a shower for this reason. It was pretty spooky but because I actually ended up unscathed it's a fun thing to remember. A lot of cool images. I've always wanted to thank again the lady who came along but she had left with her troop by the time I was thinking straight. Not that she actually rescued me, but I sure was glad to see her.
Thanks for the info on the cool life-jackets. Now I got some shopping to do.
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Post by tempy »

Good thing it didn't happen in the middle of Nitinat. I hear it is a looooong way down to the bottom. :( Happy to hear it worked out. I am also in the market for an impact vest for the same reason.

Post by jjjim »

I went shopping in vanc. and was surprised to see that Bare has a nice line of "armour" as they call it. Three levels of floatation are offered; regular coast guard approved(thick), the non-approved "pro"(not so thick) and an even lighter impact vest. The impact vest looked so cool I picked it up. I'll see if it offers the amount of floatation/freedom of movement I want with my wetsuit or if I should move up to the "Pro" jacket. Their website has their stuff, they're pretty local,and their gear looks pretty good.
I didn't know that water ski jumpers and bare footers have their own suits with padding right in the suit. pretty cool!
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