Looong weekend @ Nitnat

General discussions about windsurfing: equipment, setup tips, problems, where to go, where you should have been, lost and found
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Pictures from Nitnat

Unread post by Bobson »

:D Russian dude, those are great pics. The one from on top of the big tree looks like it was taken from a helicopter. That will be a fantastic place to take some pics of sailing next time. Also, what did you do with the pictures of the naked :shock: windsurfing..??Thanks for not posting them! HA!
Russian Guy

Unread post by Russian Guy »

Hey Rob
I don't have it. Pat shot it on her camera.
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Unread post by mshepard »

How come you guys didn't move that big tree while you were waiting for the wind?
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Unread post by Bobson »

I BWD tied a rope around the tree and then to the footstaps on my GO with the 9.0 sail on Sat when it was blowing 20 and it moved out about 10 feet but then Morewinddude ploughed into it while doing a duck-grubby 1020 and moved it right back....HA! :lol:
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