Hello Hood River

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The Gman
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Hello Hood River

Unread post by The Gman »

Looks like the gorge is the winner for this weekend. Patch and I are heading back down on thursday and returning sunday. Anyone iterested in a little cheap beer/wine gong show :roll: , and some 20-25kn west winds? We'll be staying at memaloose with the mexican (red dodge ram 50). See you there! :D
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Lodging in Hood River

Unread post by AJSpencer »

Reviving an old thread.
Recommended lodging in Hood River? Ideally somewhere with secure Sprinter parking.
Hotel, Airbnb, etc.
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Re: Hello Hood River

Unread post by bwd »

I think most of us free or pay camp in and around HR, so you might not get an answer about hotels etc.

There's lots of good camping and I'd recommend checking out the spots to the East: Memaloose, Celilo, Rufus, Maryhill, Roosevelt, Arlington. The main corridor near HR gets a bit crowded on the water in June/July/August. You can also stay out of town and closer to Mt Hood to get away from train and highway noise and HEAT.
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