Pat Bay session

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Pat Bay session

Unread post by Joe »

Had a great spring session at Pat Bay today. Thanks for the tip Dave. :lol: Left work for a.....(ahem) appointment :wink: . Rigged a 5.1 and sailed from 4-6 pm FULLY powered. The wind was steady the entire time and did not drop then pick up as is common there. Some nice swell by the jetty gave me some sweet jumps and smooth bottom turns. No one else there, just me and the seals. Every one else was probably down at Cook St.
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Good call...

Unread post by bwd »

Hey Retik:

I should have joined you. I think you swapped the wind with Cook Street. Cook was gusty as hell and had NW in it so it was offshore a bit. It was fun 4.7 though. Reports from earlier in the day say it was "epic" - I hate hearing that.

Not many people there either - where was everyone?

Now That I’ve Given Up Hope, I Feel Much Better

Unread post by grant »

hey dave, bummer on the kook st. session. I had a lucky day off, and scored small but fun JR. The breeze would have been 5.0/5.5 for you, I got there about 2:30, maybe it was stronger earlier? Absolutely nobody there. Who knew Pat Bay was the center of the wind universe?
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Unread post by JL »

:P Way to go retik! To bad Dave, it's that 'never leave wind to find wind scenario!' Pat Bay has it's moments in the spring!! I'm looking forward to loosing this bronchitis & getting back out!
Thermals are good.
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