Port Alberni to Nitinat - Directions?

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Port Alberni to Nitinat - Directions?

Unread post by nanmoo »

Never been this way before, is it straightforward? Head towards Bamfield and follow the signs?
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Unread post by tempy »


This will give you an idea - you turn off the Bamfield road at the Franklin Logging Camp
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Unread post by nanmoo »

So could a person who has never been to Nitinat find their way without getting too lost? That is sort of what I am trying to ask.

From Cowichan there are a bunch of unmarked turns, it's pretty hard to explain, so I think I will tell my buddy (who lives in Parksville anyways) to go the other way if its a better road and easier to find the lake.
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Unread post by tempy »

Port Alberni is simpler. But just "google map" it, like I did, and you should be ok.
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Unread post by mortontoemike »

It's pretty straight forward Nanmoo. Much faster from Parksville and the road is in very good conditon all the way.

From Parksville follow the Pacific Rim Highway until you approach Pt Alberni after cresting the Albermi Summit. After you pass the Coombs Country Candy Store look for the left turn that is marked Bamfield and make the left. Follow Pt Alberni Highway that becomes Redford St. Make the left at 10th Avenue by the shopping centre (stop to take in a coffee at Serious Coffee and collect your email) and follow 10th up the hill. Turn left at the 4 way stop (Argyle) and right at Anderson. The signs at both corners say to Bamfield. Stay on Anderson to the "T" intersection and turn left on Ship Creek Rd. Keep an eye out for the signs that say Bamfield and follow them. After about a half hour or so of gravel you come to Franklin Camp. There is an intersection that is clearly marked Nitinat left and Bamfield sraight. Take the left obviously. The road is paved for 15 km from there. It's a roller coaster so be a little careful on the speed bumps.

Follow the road past the Nitinat Hatchery turnoff and turn at the intersection with the road from Cowitchan that is marked Nitinat.
Last edited by mortontoemike on Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Thanks Mike!
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Unread post by Skeltic »

and since you will be 2 blocks from us. Come on by and see the Port Alberni site, Wildwest water sports. instead of going left on Ships creek road take the next right and follow the sign to the water. Take you 2 minutes out of your way.
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Unread post by abetanzo »

Has anyone driven from PA to Nitinat via Franklin River Road / Bamfield Road? I've heard good things about Francis Lake and would enjoy the scenic ride but with a newer car that aint mine I wouldn't want to get caught with the car bottomed out or turned around with a non-passable section.

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Unread post by downwind dave »

i haven't been on it this year but it's a logging mainline, there are no impassable sections or steep grades. there are a lot of whoop-de-doos along the paved section so you can't go fast even where it is paved.
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Unread post by GWIND »

Went to Bamfield last week. Road out to the branch to Nit wit lake, was great. Lots of graders working and lots of trucks on road. Lots of logging this year so the roads should be great.
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