broken tip on neil pryde z-1

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broken tip on neil pryde z-1

Unread post by thekevinhalifax »

hey everyone,

anyone got any suggestions for a broken sail tip on an older neil pryde?

i've tried epoxy, rope, tuck tape. nothing works!

it's a very stable and fun sail, so i hate to toss er.

what about cutting the damn stick looking thing off and reshaping the top of teh sail...


Unread post by chris »

Hey Kevin,

Go onto the NeilPryde Maui site and search for "Z1 tip repair". Kevin Ozee can set you up if you need new parts. The mechanical shear tip wears out eventually and you may need to simply replace the moving parts.
Some people have taken their old shear tip sails to a sail maker or repair loft to have the top of the sail modified (the shear tip gets chopped off and the head is resewn into a traditional form. This also works well apparently.

Good Luck!


Unread post by kevininhalifax »

hey dude,

thanks for the advice.

i used the neil pryde forum on the .com

got some advice from a guy who took the tip right off.

have done that, and we'll see how it goes. i reshaped the top of it myself very quickly, tied off the sewn parts and used some tuck tape as a short term fix for the monofilm that has no stitching.

thanks for the advice though.

is this chris kearn?

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