Campfire Bans at Nitinat

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Nitinat Campsite Manager

Campfire Bans at Nitinat

Unread post by Nitinat Campsite Manager »

Well someone (windsurfer/kiter/camper?) complained to MOF about
6-campfires on the beach at Nitinat Aug 16th. Camphosts Vic and Aaron or myself will be doing nightly patrols,
So the campfire ban will be strictly enforced every night, Also MOF Enforcement Officers will doing more routine patrols they informed me.

If you want to roast marshmellows or hotdogs remember there are two camp community brick BBQ's on both ends of the beach, if you don't have a BBQ, please use one of these, the campsite does not supply charcoal briquettes so bring lots, if you don't use all the briquettes the next people can use it and so on, so there will be a stock pile. It doesn't look like the campfire ban will lift for awhile. Only briqettes are allowed in these BBQ's no firewood.

Thanx for your co-operation

Fred Sieber
Nitinat Campsite
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Camp fires will cost you.

Unread post by sailworksman »

$345 fine from the MOF if caught. "Light fire against regulation". That can buy you more stuff for your quiver.

Bitching about kites

Unread post by Claude »

What about banning kitesurfer who kites in the middle of windsurfers??? :D
I was at Nitinat before the weekend and found a few "pros" kitesurfers ripping so close to the beach that they were crashing continiously their kite on the water a few meters way from the beach.. Even once a kite crashes on the beach.
Is there any "rule" in regard of where they can ride? I am not talking about, here, beginners thay have troublr to deal with, but those who want to impresse the crowd...Jerks...
A ciao


Unread post by Dave »

Why don't we just put a cement barrier down the middle of the lake to keep the kiters away-- Idiot .
Ride where you like to ride , just know where you are and who is around you!
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downwind dave
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Unread post by downwind dave »

hey kids, this thread is about the campfire ban.
if you have something productive to say you can start your own topic or join one already going.

Re: Claude

Unread post by Guest »

Dave wrote:Why don't we just put a cement barrier down the middle of the lake to keep the kiters away-- Idiot .
Ride where you like to ride , just know where you are and who is around you!
Is that only for highways?? To avoid craches??? I rather ride hihgways :lol:
I know i am an idiot :cry: I will jump in another thread..
I was just bitching about safety...
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