port alberni

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port alberni

Unread post by jazzydoc »

going sailing tomorrow...from north nanaimo...never been to port alberni to kite but would be shorter than nitnaht...how is it??? where is the best location?
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Sandy Beach
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Re: port alberni

Unread post by Sandy Beach »

jazzydoc wrote:going sailing tomorrow...from north nanaimo...never been to port alberni to kite but would be shorter than nitnaht...how is it??? where is the best location?
Hi jazzydoc,
Thanks for your inquiry.
Check out Wild West Watersports on Plywood Drive on the waterfront in PA. Less than an hour scenic drive on the highway from North Nanaimo.

WWW is a day-use park that offers lots of parking, grassy rigging area and a nicely controlled launch and land for your kite.
It's best if you are proficient at staying upwind while riding.

Otherwise, if you are still learning, there is a jetski to offer an assisted-downwinder starting from 4km up the inlet to end up at Wild West Watersports. Nice long downwinder session (2 hr+) to improve those skills!

You can monitor the conditions through the BWD Harbour Quay webcam

Typically, it's a mid-late afternoon blow.

Contact us for more information
Life is all about balance, and a dose of healthy wind addiction
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