Trailer size at Nitnat campsite?

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Trailer size at Nitnat campsite?

Unread post by StanL »

Hi, curious if anyone has taken a trailer in the 19ft-23ft range (26ft max bumper to hitch plus full size pickup lenght) into the Nitnat campground. I have been up there once and know the road is pretty good up to the town and then go slow on the bumps for the short last leg.

We didn't have a trailer, but am curious what size would fit at the campsite as the loop around the site was pretty narrow.

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Unread post by nanmoo »

You see those there for sure, and plenty of the spots are large enough to house that, just get there early. The loop doesn't have any sharp turns, so you should be fine.
Don't forget to bring a towel!
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Unread post by StanL »

Thanks for the quick response!
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