Swell Forecasting for SUPers

A place to discuss anything non-weather and non-wind/kitesurf related.
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Joined: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:00 am

Swell Forecasting for SUPers

Unread post by JasonD »

Hello fellow wind-sailers/SUPers!!

Just wondering if you'd like to fill me in on what swell forecast convinces you to make the drive out to JR for SUP surfing?!

For longboarding (givin' up on short boards in Canada), I make the drive on anything over 10' on Magic Seaweed with a WSW to NW swell. Obviously I hope, but don't expect, off shore winds and I aim for an incoming mid-tide.

So, what makes you do the drive to SUP surf?? How small of a forecast still generates enough of a wave to SUP on? Do you guys care about tides?

I see you guys there regularly and have even shared a wave or two. Now that I'm done school and back to work I'll be able afford a better board and be out there more often on my days off. I ride that old, heavy, beat up, crappy red Jimmy Styx with the peeling traction pad and holey wet suit!! Haha need an upgrade badly!!!

Anyway, your thoughts and/or opinions would be greatly appreciated!

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