support better cycling in Victoria

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support better cycling in Victoria

Post by morewind »

I just read that the City of Victoria is updating its master cycling plan. If you are a cyclist take a minute and let the city know your needs.

For me, better cycling infrastructure would be a huge bonus -- In a typical year I cycle about 20x as much as I'm on the water.

Here is a letter to the city that you can "electronically sign" with one email...

The letter: ... ctoria.pdf

To support the letter email this person:
Tom Berkhout ()

This has been passed on to me by the GVCC.

The letter referred to can be viewed online here: ... ctoria.pdf

Invitation to sign the letter follows.


Do you know that the City of Victoria will be updating its Cycling Master Plan this spring for the first time in 20 years? A small and informal group of people in the Greater Victoria Area has put together an Open Letter that urges Victoria City Council to use the update as an opportunity to commit to making major upgrades to the city's existing cycling infrastructure and facilities. The person coordinating the letter for the group - Tom Berkhout - plans to submit the Open Letter to Council early next week. The more signatures the letter collects, the more impact it will have at City Hall. When I heard about this initiative, I thought that this sounded like something that you might like to support. If you do, there two things you can do over the next couple of days to help out:

1) If you are willing to sign the letter, please send an email to Tom Berkhout () no later than Monday, February 17. The email should include your name, title or some other kind of brief description of who you are (e.g., father of 2), and the name of the community that you live in. Tom will then add this information to the bottom of the letter (to save time and hassle, physical signatures will not be collected).

2) If you can think of other people in the Greater Victoria Area who you think might like to support this initiative, please pass along this information to them and encourage them to get in touch with Tom.

Thanks for your time and interest!

Tom Berkhout, Ph.D.
6-242 Ontario St, Victoria, BC, V8V 1N2

Phone: 250.507.0800, Cell: 250.634.1192
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support better cycling in Victoria

Post by dougwick »

Excellent initiative Morewind. I sent my signature. I commute to work on a bike.
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