FREE Movie - Children of the Wind - Sept 23 @7:00

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FREE Movie - Children of the Wind - Sept 23 @7:00

Unread post by maryam »

Let us Celebrate the beginning of Fall, Vancouver's Windiest Season, with the multi-award winning movie Children of the Wind.

Who is invited: Everyone: Sailors, Kayakers, Kiters, Skiers, Snowboarders, Children, Adults, and even Windsurfers :)
Date: Tuesday September 23rd.
Time: Movie 7:30, but doors open at 7:00
Location: Jericho Sailing Centre - 2nd Floor - Attached to The Galley
1300 Discovery Road - Vancouver BC

Food - Galley will be opened for Beer and Food.
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more force 4
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Unread post by more force 4 »

I'd love to see that movie, the trailers were really moving. Windsport making a difference to poor people in the 3rd world. Too bad about the ferry. Anyone got one for a Victoria showing?
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