Mast repair

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Mast repair

Unread post by Royce »

Tried an experiment today I had a 460 75% carbon powerex SDM mast that came with some other gear that I bought and it was broken below the furrel so I cut the mast off below the Ferrel. Chucked it up in the metal lathe and turned down the old top 6" of the mast until I got to the glue, then ruffed up the inside of the lower mast and epoxied the Ferrel (with electrical tape as a stopper and for easier cleanup)back into the lower portion of the mast, assembled mast and layed it into a peice of angle iron to cure straight. Anyway it might work but it's a 445 cm now
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Unread post by downwind dave »

good job saving a mast from the landfill. maybe just stay close to shore the first couple sessions. :D
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Re: Mast repair

Unread post by KUS »

I have a 430 100% carbon one you can try that with :twisted:
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