Things look like they are starting early this year!:o I will probably go down just after the contest, unless I go for the contest, and then just stick around after. Or maybe just go this weekend. 9 ft swell!!!
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Looking like my trip(s) to the OR coast are over for a least until my boy Mercer gets older. He has told me for the past 6 months that if I go he goes. Him being 8, I don't see hanging out on the side of highway for 8-12 hours a day at the Cape as a great option.
TheLaw wrote:Looking like my trip(s) to the OR coast are over for a least until my boy Mercer gets older. He has told me for the past 6 months that if I go he goes. Him being 8, I don't see hanging out on the side of highway for 8-12 hours a day at the Cape as a great option.
Have fun all!
Highway Parenting is the new Helicopter Parenting...
Tsawwassen wrote:Things look like they are starting early this year!:o I will probably go down just after the contest, unless I go for the contest, and then just stick around after. Or maybe just go this weekend. 9 ft swell!!!
yeah Mike , been watching it...Flo is going off 6 days and then north coast on last day hmm how many more years can we go? Keep thinking about all those missed September weeks too. hopefully there will be time for another good trip this year, 2 year drought
Wish less, sail more!!
Vancouver Island Windsports
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