Thermal sea breeze

General discussions about the weather, incoming storms and swell, complaining, why is it always so windy at night etc.

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Thermal sea breeze

Unread post by more force 4 »

Any ideas why the shoreline around victoria, cowichan bay etc doesnt develop a sea breeze when the thermal difference between the water & shore and inland a few km is often 10 degrees or more? I would have thought that would generate a 10 kt or so wind even without any narrowing valleys to accelerate windspeeds like nitinat ir China creek.
Last edited by more force 4 on Wed Aug 15, 2018 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Too small of an area in an orderly orientation. The long beach area gets sea breezes in part for that reason. Additionally (east side of van isle) the Flow would have to move against the dominant island wide onshore flow where onshore really means onshore of the mainland.
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Unread post by rvanderbyl »

Since living at SP for the last 15 years. I have noticed that there usually is a bit of a thermal boost to the SE winds. Anytime the weather is warmer usually spring/summer the model predictions of 15 SE usually the wind almost always goes to 20 or even 25 ESE at SP. The wind becomes ESE on these occasions and appears to be blowing directly towards Parksville where you would expect the temperatures to be warmer from all the asphalt. Just a Theory... :roll:
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