Warm water lake

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Warm water lake

Unread post by janMinicat »

I learned how to windsurf last year in Cadboro, on an inflatable board with a 4.9m sail. I have a wet suit, but was wondering is there a warm(ish) water lake around here that I can go to in the summer months? Beginner-intermediate level, mostly flat water. Chop at Ross seems to be a major suffer still. Thanks. Jan
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more force 4
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Re: Warm water lake

Unread post by more force 4 »

Nitinat Nitinat Nitinat. Warmer in July of course. With a wing and foil lots of Cowichan Lake will work and its even warmer. And Alberni Canal gets really warm after a week of 30 degrees. And by summer Nanaimo Pipers is lovely with only a light wetsuit needed or even just boardshorts.
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